Team \'Give Us A Push\'


Richard White

of the colour of milk or fresh snow, due to the reflection of most wavelengths of visible light; the opposite of black : "a sheet of white paper."

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Jamie Voller

A wise old man once said to me that "the journey is irrelevant...........when the destination is the same!" This man was an idiot!

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<p><font color="#808080" size="6"><font face="trebuchet ms,geneva">Doing all we can t</font>o</font><font color="#808080" size="6"><font face="trebuchet ms,geneva"> make the world a better place, </font></font></p><p><font color="#808080"><img alt="Sealed" border="0" src="editor2/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-sealed.gif" title="Sealed" /></font><font color="#808080" size="5">&nbsp;We thought we might as well take part in a daft and nutty race</font><font color="#808080"> <img alt="Surprised" border="0" src="editor2/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-surprised.gif" title="Surprised" /></font></p>