Team Goan Nowhere Fast

Delhi Driving Observations

1. How to approach a roundabout: driving at the same speed as the traffic already on the roundabout enables you to fit into available gaps with ease (?!?)

2. The biggest vehicle has priority, unless you are chauffering someone in a snazzy BMW, in which case nervousness means you drop down the pecking order

3. Traffic lights are ignored unless there is a large amount of heavy traffic going across the direction you want to go in.

4. You can always turn left at traffic lights, red light or not (for method see #1)


Final Packing

After spending yesterday shouting into the corner of my laptop like a madwoman trying to get the nice Indian lady to hear me over the poor skype connection, I have now rearranged my flight from Delhi to Goa, so I will now be getting to Goa a day later than expected on September 7th.

In the meantime I'm making a list (and checking it twice) of what I know I'm going to need to take with me, and also what I don't know that I'm going to need to take with me. Which is a little more difficult.

I'm also:

a) pondering why it costs me more to get from Bristol to Heathrow (105 miles) than Delhi to Goa (1180 miles)

b) trying to find an insurance company that will provide me annual trip cover for:

           Driving a rickshaw without a motorcycle license

           Diving more than once in a day



           Flying with Indian budget airlines

           Going to the US




Had all my jabs now, got the International Driving Permit, Indian visa, and will send off for the Nepalese one tomorrow.

Shiv has had some jabs, has got both visas and her International Driving Permit.

So we're both getting there!

We've got to get the paintjob designs to the Adventurists by August 10th, so I've been mocking up some ideas...

A couple of ideas: []( and [](

Any thoughts?!

Liz Stephens

Liz Stephens: PhD student in Bristol

<br><br>Motivation: Medically certified as having a screw loose

<br><br>Specialist Skill: Studying in a geography department has led to an unfortunate overconfidence in map reading and navigation 'using the sun'.

<br><br>Previous foreign driving experience: Nearly hit a monitor lizard.

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Siobhan Henn

I'm Shiv.... I have to write some blurb about myself here!

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Jonathan Day

Load Jonathan

<p><font face=\"\\&quot;\\\\&quot;\\\\\\\\&quot;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\&quot;arial,helvetica,sans-serif\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\&quot;\\\\\\\\&quot;\\\\&quot;\\&quot;\"><strong><font size=\"3\">Goa, India to Pokhara, Nepal. In 2 weeks. In a rickshaw.</font></strong></font></p><p><font face=\"\\&quot;\\\\&quot;\\\\\\\\&quot;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\&quot;arial,helvetica,sans-serif\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\&quot;\\\\\\\\&quot;\\\\&quot;\\&quot;\" size=\"2\"><strong>Travelling 2000 miles across the subcontinent in a vehicle that has a maximum speed of 55km/h on roads that probably can only loosely be descibed as such, with no ability to speak the language(s), and even less mechanical expertise. This is no holiday, but an adventure, and we are doing it to raise as much money as possible for two important charities.<br /></strong></font></p>