Christina Noble Children's Foundation

Christina Noble Children's Foundation

SMS Update
On the road to Arvaikheer potential disaster as the Italian's Panda's clutch breaks. Not long after around sun down The Spirit of Chuck Norris ceases up as oil clogs the carb. Exposed ontop of a windy mountain we hitch up to the back of the Land Cruiser to look for somewhere to camp when a Mongolian family arrives, strips our engine and gets it working again in the dark and then leads us into the city! Suffering now with a misplace idle screw stalling us at low revs... Just 400km to go! @
SMS Update
Gobi Desserts and Infinite Possibility Drive speculate that they are probably the fastest convoy on this terrain and then disaster strikes as ** some text is missing **
SMS Update
The roads between Olgii, Hovd and Altai have been car killers picking rally teams off one by one. But they have proved the most entertaining ** some text is missing **
SMS Update
Khovd! No words adequately describe Mongolia! This country is beautiful! We are driving alongside Infinite Possibility Drive and leap-froggin ** some text is missing **
SMS Update
We're in Mongolia! ...well we will be officially once we've cleared the border. Currently in No-man's-land which impressively seems to have better reception than the last Altai, Russia -which by the way is the most impressive place I've ever been to and great fun to drive! More soon!@
SMS Update
Still on our way to the Russian border. Just passed Semey and have set up camp by the road side. Wild Cannabis grows everywhere...
SMS Update
Morning starts with a jolt at 6am when the clerk at the petrol station we were camped at clears us out. Breaky on the road and lunch at a small cafe where they serve an interesting 'desert'. Unfortunately we are out of money. We race through Astana and bump into Infinite Possibility Drive by complete chance who are towing their car the next 2000km. Brave lads! We've camped together near Pavlodar in the steppe between the main road and a railway. A clear night and a blanket of stars is captivating - though I am sure the whole experience would be a whole lot more satisfying if I wasn't being eaten alive by mozzies!!!
SMS Update
Kevolution tracks down a specialist in rare cars in Kostanay. Of course they don't have a spare pinion joint for a Fiat 126 but they do have the means to construct us one from VW Passat parts! The mechanics work all day fixing our car and pimping it up. The pinion is replaced, the carb is sorted, tracking corrected, buckles in tyres knocked out, windscreen wipers fixed... They even fix our stereo and wash it for us! All for free AND feed us, get us very drunk and let us stay the night! Thank you