Team Going Nowhere Slowly

Daryl van Sittert

Load Daryl

Jonathan Langley

Load Jonathan

craig smith

Load craig

<p><strong><font class="Apple-style-span" size="5">Rickshaw What?&nbsp;</font></strong></p><p>Imagine the fastest, safest, most earth-munching all-terrain vehicle in the world. Then imagine the opposite. Three wheels, half a horse power and more fun than any other vehicle on planet earth, the humble Rickshaw is undoubtedly the ultimate long distance, off-road machine. Despite being designed for short distances on road.</p> <p>Now imagine the bliss of trying to get this untrusty steed over the Himalayas or across the Rajasthan desert. This then is the Rickshaw Run; an unsupported maniac of an adventure which wobbles over thousands of miles of ridiculous terrain. The most stupid and probably the best thing you could possibly do with two weeks. </p> <p>This is what us crazy fools (so we keep hearing), Jono and Daryl, are doing in April 2012. &nbsp;Wish us luck and stay tuned for more updates to our planning!</p>