Team Green Man Country Club

Jake Dawson


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Russell Davies

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Thomas Andrews

well, i woke one morning a while ago in a body i reconised as my own and came up with a brilliant idea for a car for the mongol rally... well actually 2 cars - none other than a Reliant Robin and a Rolls Royce - thinking we could hit a rags&riches theme TO sponsors and at fundraising events.

i pitched the idea with the team ... they hated it! not accepting my explaination of the Rolls wont breakdown and if the Robin does then we can steal a motor bike engine to power it, my idea was brushed aside (like most things i suggest) but then during a depressing point they pull out a wonderfull surprise and along came Stephanie, just out of the blue, shes not quite new but the same age as me a young and enthusistic 25 year old, shes a beut although she cant half drink!
The idea is she'll raise more cash being the better looking and 4th member of our team she may strugle - shes no petit lady weighing in at a mighty 2.5tons but then will anyone else be driving Jimmy Savills old Rolls Royce Silver Spur.... i think not!
about me hey this could get boaring as ive already strayed from the point and my spelling is atrotious... but here we go:
i love flying kites & riding boards,

climbing trees & jumping over campfires,

camping in just a sleeping bag searching for shooting stars.

Ropeswings are definatly still my thing.

Playing chicken with the surf and rolling down sand dunes,

digging holes just to fill them in around me.

lying on the grass, under a blue sky, listening to the world passing me by.

'headers and vollys' & scoring goals through jumpers - drinking Bulmers over ice

Throwing snows balls at teachers, carrots and coal in funny places - starting an igloo you know will never finish

Freezing fingers you cant bend without pain, heating them up on the radiator again

and anyway... Bored!... ill finish this another day

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Luke Walton

Hi! I cant write about myself in these things but talk to me and I wont shut up, your call

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