Team Gulyabanci

cody orrell

Load cody

Dion Boehm

Load Dion

<p><font size="4">On September 11, 2010 three friends will attempt the unthinkable and perhaps ill-advised; with little mechanical know-how and a belly full of adventure they will cajole a rebuilt Indian autorickshaw (think moped/soupcan for three) through the towering Himalaya of Nepal and across the sweltering plains of northern India.<br /> What would compel these three friends to sign up for something so asinine? One, because the world is a big and interesting place, and we'll be durned if we don't see every last forsaken corner of her. Two, because we like this place, and we want to help those in need. We are raising money for <strong>Maiti Nepal</strong>, a charity that supports victims of sex trafficking in Nepal. For more information about the charity click &quot;Maiti Nepa&quot; on the left toolbar or visit <font size="5"><strong> </strong></font></font></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><font face="comic sans ms,sans-serif" size="6"><strong>Click on the &quot;FirstGiving - Sponsor Me&quot; button on the left to donate! </strong></font></p><h1>&nbsp;</h1><p><font size="5"><font face="verdana,geneva">Still got questions? Write us at <strong>[email protected] </strong></font><br /></font></p><p><font size="5">&nbsp;</font></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><font size="3">Check back periodically for updates on our plans, whereabouts, and antics.</font></p><h1>&nbsp;</h1><p><font size="3">Leave comments and love, and please <font size="5">DONATE</font>.</font></p>