Gybe Turkeys Team Photo...intimidating, no?
Gybe Turkeys Team Photo...intimidating, no?
As our name suggests, we are a group of super hip individuals, who can only turn one direction.
Steve … 37 years old … born in Winchester, Virginia … works as a public defender in Portland, Oregon … likes to drink beer with friends and be alone in the woods.
Sarah … 36 years old … born in Mesa, Arizona … works as a public defender in Salem, Oregon … likes to drink beer with friends and explore anywhere the noise of birds is louder than that of cars...knows Steve from work.
Rob … 42 years old … born in Lebanon, Indiana … works in telecommunication sales in the Pacific Northwest … likes to drink beer … … and daydream about surviving an apocalyptic event...married to Sarah.
Steve had been following The Adventurists for a while, wanting to participate in one of their races. He noticed the Ngalawa, now Kraken Cup, and sent Rob and Sarah a text out of the blue one day that said: "I want to do a crazy race. It's a sailing race, and I don't know how to sail. It requires teams of 3. You guys know how to sail. Will you be my team? Oh yeah, it's in Africa."
Within 90 seconds, Sarah and Rob responded "Yes." Just "yes." Then they found out the rest... and were thrilled. Rob and Sarah taught Steve how to sail. The three spent hours on the Columbia River in a sailing dinghy, getting waked by giant speed boats and shipping container boats, and learning points of sail. They drank beers and hatched plans A, B, C, and Z. They revised a packing list way too many times, then compiled the supplies on the most recent version. And they are ready ... ready to be a bunch of turkeys (non-water birds), floating in the Indian Ocean, attempting to gybe...ready to take on the Kraken with the ease and finesse and cool that our name suggests.
5 Gyres is a nonprofit that works to resolve the problem of plastic pollution, specifically in the oceans “through science, education, and adventure.” The institute is entrusted with special consultative status with the United Nations.
Cool Earth is a nonprofit that works with communities who live alongside rainforests to halt deforestation. David Attenborough has said that “Helping Cool Earth to halt tropical deforestation makes a real difference. Perhaps the biggest difference we will make in our whole lives.”