Team Hawaii - 3 oh

Jackson Hooper
Of Hawaii - 3 oh
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Finish Line

We finally arrived in Kochi today after 15 days on the road. We had to descend from Ooty at 2000m with very minimal braking capacity but managed to make the final 300km to get to the finish line by 4pm.

All the boys (Aussies and Scots) were stoked to have finally finished and there will be plenty of celebrations over the next few days.

Happy to say we finished the Rickshaw Run 2016!

Jackson Hooper
Of Hawaii - 3 oh
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Mixed bag

Another couple busy days. Yesterday we spent a few hours and few thousand rupees waiting for our steering column to be repaired, which helped with position of the wheel but seemed to make it shake worse. To top that off, we broke down about 10 times in about 50km with what seems like different issues, which we still haven't resolved completely. It meant we once again were driving until 9:30pm.

Today was a good day. We drove our rickshaw through a tiger reserve where we got to see wild elephants up close. However, the reserve crossed state borders halfway in and we were denied entry to the second reserve due to no 3 wheelers being allowed for safety, even after offering a hefty bribe. This is despite motorbikes flying past into the reserve. So after a very average lunch, we put all 3 rickshaws on a truck and got the truck to drive us into the second reserve, which was a big task, causing a few concussions to the Scotsmen.

We then finished the day with a very scenic drive up to Ooty at over 2000m.

On a plus note, zero breakdowns today but no first gear and no neutral at times.

Ps if Libby is reading this, Bens phone is broken. (It may or may not have been smashed offering said bribe)![Uploading file...]()![Uploading file...]()

Jackson Hooper
Of Hawaii - 3 oh
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016


Today was our most challenging day yet. After a slow morning taking in the scenery and chasing camels, we finally met our match against a massive pot hole/ditch in the road.

Travelling at about 50km/h, it was too late to slow down and Ciaran's face print ended up on the windscreen and our steering column ended up completely fucked up. After finding a local mechanic who made it driveable without fixing it, we then had to continue well into the night.

We then of course had several other stoppages between our Scottish friends and us to refill, change flat tyres, and try to make sense of directions form locals. At midnight, we finally found a place to stay in Bangalore. Off to another mechanic first thing to see what they can do.

On the plus side, we did finally find a McDonalds to have dinner at.

Jackson Hooper
Of Hawaii - 3 oh
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

The heart of India

Past 2 days has consisted of massive amounts of driving to try and make an easy run home. A couple breakdowns between us and our Scottish travelling companions but once again the local mechanic patched us up quickly and cheaply and sent us on our way.

Got amongst a local game of cricket today but the locals were a bit disappointed we wouldn't stick around for a 6 hour game.

Also got some sort of blessing in a street Hindu festival yesterday with coloured chalk still trying to remain on our bodies as long as possible.

We will continue to head south-west in the next few days aiming for a cruisy last couple days.

Jackson Hooper
Of Hawaii - 3 oh
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Poachers ?

I don't know what sort of poachers wear Hawaiian shirts and drive around in rickshaws, but that's what we were taken for in our search for elephants just outside of Cuttack yesterday. It ended with the Department of Forest & Wildlife coming after us with wooden sticks.

Later on, the rickshaws went into off-road mode as we took them on the beach at Baruva, before having dinner with what seemed like the whole village and discussing cricket players.

Today, a short day to spend one last night at the beach at Visakhapatnam, in our nicest accomodation yet before heading inland tomorrow. They are no Aussie beaches but it has been nice and refreshing to get in the ocean at the end of a day cooped up in a rickshaw.

Jackson Hooper
Of Hawaii - 3 oh
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Alive after 2 big days

Main recommendation of rickshaw run: don't night drive. Day 1, we drove for 3 hours in the pitch black until we finally found accomodation in Dudhnoi, along with the bed bugs.

Day 2 - Big day of driving, had to stop when the Scotsmen conveniently broke down outside one of the nicer hotels we have seen, however 50km short of our goal. ![Uploading file...]()



Just an Aussie bloke hoping to drive a Hawaiian themed rickshaw wearing a Hawaiian shirt across India
