Team The Splendid Wild Gents

The Splendid Wild Gents haven't posted any updates yet.


Its all my fault...


''The stealthiest party starter we've ever seen!'' said University of Maryland's European Campus Student Services president, Erin Kelley, when asked to comment on Kevin's contribution. ''One minute you're having a nice quiet dinner with friends, and the next you're dancing on tables and stomping out small fires after the flaming Sambuca shots have gone horribly wrong.'' Burns or no burns, we're glad to have him on the team and fully expect he'll make the trip more than we bargained for.


''If I ever need to rob a bank, Scotty's the guy I want driving my getaway car,'' says Bill Reynolds, long time consigliere to the Gents. He has more experience in dodgy driving situations than anyone we know because he's a mad man behind the wheel. Fight fire with fire---that's what we say! Having successfully navigated treacherous roads in various weather conditions around the globe in everything from exotic sports cars to five-ton tractor trailers... we're sure he'll do us right and probably provide a killer soundtrack to boot!

Here you'll find all the latest what-what about the craziness we're planning, and how you can support it.