Team Happy Hardcar

Simon Goodacre
Of Happy Hardcar
On the The Mongol Rally 2008


Well i think this is our first blog unless mattock or coops are writing one now on a different computer. The trip so far has been amazing - a lot of fun times and we have broken down a couple of times - all to do with cooling. But thats now fixed. Coops drove into tehran this morning - traffic was going everywhere down anyside of the road - along with people walking and on motor bikes it was a thrilling ride. Went to the bazzarr in terhan and got lost its suppose to be 10km square of shops - over 5000 we were told by a passer by who spoke english and invited us to meet his brother and father who he owns a carpet shop with!!!

Weather is so hot here something like 38 degrees or more its so humid!!! One thing i have found is how nice people are in Iran - not that i had any preconceptions - its an amazing country and beautiful place.

We are traveling by ourselves at the moment but have been with paddyroo/gobi ambulance/ and 3 other cars i can't think of names of. We left them at the border town and drove through the night to get here. Border took us 5 hours to cross but i think that was because we were in a group of 7 cars. I think we are planning on crossing into turkminstan just by ourselves so we can get through quicker. Must go and i will update everyone else very soon.

Christopher Mattock

is currently counting down the days until July 19th 2008.

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Not sure what to write on here but its been a bout 4 years in the making after completing the mongol rally 2008 and i can't wait to get on this trip across india..

Robert Cooper

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