Team HMAS Full Disclosure

Nicholas Coombe
Of HMAS Full Disclosure
On the The Rickshaw Run 2014 (August)

Kolkata Nights

So. First night in Kolkata and we rock up to our "hotel" at 1am and find more dogs than people. A night of sleep on a plank of wood has done wonders for our spines and we head out into the wild blue yonder of Kolkata in search of Sudder St and coffee. An amazing coffee later (real beans too) and we head into get some breakfast. Cue the order of 'special chicken' and we are now neck deep in food, avoiding the monsoon and happy as pigs in shit. Bring on the rest of the day.


First Mate on board the HMAS Full Disclosure, I enjoy being a pirate ,drinking rum, pillaging coastal towns, sexing all the wenches, talking to parrots, shooting people in the face, swashbuckling, not walking the plank, getting loot and booty, shivering timbers and singing all the sea shanties


Navigator and scallywag crewman of the HMAS Full Disclosure. Likely to be found hungover, playing football, pillaging, or any combination of the above.

The answer to the question that has plagued all great pirate captains: Where has all the rum gone?


Yarr! I am the Captain of this here vessel. Strong enough to sail the spicy seas. I enjoy making other people take long walks on the plank. Stopping mutiny. Hanging cannons on peoples bootstraps. Yarring. Rum. Steering. Hooks. Really big hats.

We are the crew of the HMAS Full Disclosure, a veritable bastion of wonder. 4 Aussies man the vessel, with Cap'n Morgan our notorious leader; First Mate Tweets keeping all in line (hahaha); DJ Ganges providing drunken navigating and sea shanty timings; and Bosun Wiggles, who due to a case of workitis maximus is staying back as Port Officer.
We have zero idea what we are doing.