Team Hombre Lobo

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Scott McRae

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Nathan Hosmer

I don't speak spanish...

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<p>Greetings from Team Hombre Lobo,</p><p>The Mototaxi Junket (and the search for the lost city of Asuncion... but not really because it's the capital&nbsp;of Paraguay) will be a fun/dangerous three-wheeled adventure from Peru to Paraguay.&nbsp; We will have to wind our way through some combination of South American countries&nbsp;in mototaxis- small, underpowered, impractical&nbsp;motorcycle conversions (see the vehicle page for more info).&nbsp; There is no defined route, but it will probably come out to around 2500 miles of bad roads through terrain ranging&nbsp;from desert to rain forest.&nbsp; I have enlisted&nbsp;Nate Hosmer to help&nbsp;man the vehicle, a decision he probably regrets already. &nbsp;The adventure kicks off October 24th and ends November 7th.&nbsp; This is the first Mototaxi Junket, so we will have to find out the hard way whether it is even possible to finish the route in the allotted time.&nbsp; Hopefully, we will be able to keep this page updated with news during our journey.</p><p>In addition to the thrill and experience, it&nbsp;is also for a good cause.&nbsp;&nbsp;We will be raising as much&nbsp;money as we can for Operation Smile, providing free reconstructive surgery to children and young adults suffering from facial deformities.&nbsp;&nbsp; Each of the over 60&nbsp;teams taking part has to raise a minimum of&nbsp;$1700&nbsp;for fine charities.&nbsp; Our&nbsp;personal goal is $3000.&nbsp;&nbsp;You can find more information about Operation Smile by clicking the Charities button on the menu to the left.&nbsp; You can make donations electronically using the widget below the menu.&nbsp; All donations go directly to the charity.</p><p>Thanks,</p><p>Scott&nbsp;&nbsp;McRae</p><p>&nbsp;</p><script

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