The End
We've made it to beautiful Kochi. Time to pop open those celebratory beers and cigars. 2 weeks, 2500km at 40kph, several empty fuel tanks and a few break downs later. Tomorrow we'll rock up to the finish podium ready for the closing party. See you all next week.
Final Stretch
Long drive today down to a lovely secluded beach. Swam and played football with the locals all evening which was fantastic. Convoyed with a few other rickshaws today, everyone is bunching together now for the final sprint. Next stop Kochi.
On the road to Kochi
After a day relaxing in beautiful Palolem Beach, we have begun our final push to the finish. Goa was very hard to leave this morning, especially as there are not many sights to see for the next day or two. Currently staying in a local tourist resort, pretty much the only westerners in town. Early start tomorrow, we may be able to squeeze another half day at the beach if we are lucky.
Sight seeing in Goa
![Uploading file...]()Took a short drive today to the old town in Goa, a 500yr old Portuguese colony on the west coast. After taking in the sights, we headed further south to Palolem Beach. We have lodgings in a bamboo beach front shack, there is a bar right below and the views are amazing. One more rest day in Goa before we make the final push to Cochin.
Goa at Last
We've finally made it down to goa. After a leisurely breakfast and a short drive we are now in Indias beach state. We've been relaxing on the beach with some cold beers all afternoon. The views on the journey down were fantastic, unfortunately Tom has knackered the suspension so I guess we'll be hanging here for a while :)
To the Beach
Today we got the A roads through some of the mountain passes East of the Koncan Coast. The views were spectacular but there is still a fair amount of smog. One more day until we reach the pristine beaches of Goa. Staying in a small beachside town tonight and found a hotel with a pool that serves beer. Evening plans storted.
Coastal Forts
We left Mumbai a little later than usual after a hearty breakfast. Deciding to take the coastal B roads, we found the quality of tarmac deteriorated quickly, taking us ages to reach our destination of Murud. We did visit two coastal forts, one hidden in the jungle and the other just offshore. Tomorrow, we are heading down to Goa as fast as we can, but it'll take us a couple of days to get there.
Road to Mumbai
Surat was a big industrial town with not much going on, couldn't even find any beers! Fortunately we've made our way out of the dry state and into Mumbai. The air is thick with pollution that burns your eyes and throat. But we found a hotel with a roof top pool so who cares?!!?!

Long day driving
Covered a lot of ground today. 330km of highway driving. Traffic is starting to get bad now. Had a few breakdowns as well but after a new spark plug we are good as new. Currently staying in a quite a large city about a days driving out of Mumbai. Got invited to a local festival by a local business owner. He gave us chai and daal followed by a dancing lesson. Fischer really has some moves. We think this is a dry state, so we need to go hunting for beer!![Uploading file...]()![Uploading file...]()
Rest day in Udaipur
Half day off in Udaipur and a short day of driving. Staying in a small local town today. Planning a long day of driving tomorrow. ![Uploading file...]()![Uploading file...]()