Team International Rescue Corps

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Alison Ingleby

The International Rescue Corps is an independent, specialist search and rescue organisation funded entirely through grants and public donations. We are proud to be one of the nominated charities for the Spring 2011 Rickshaw Run.

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<p>Welcome Rickshaw Runners and thank you for supporting us as part of the Spring 2011 run!&nbsp; We've set up this blog to give you a bit more information on who we are and what we do - find out how we train and prepare for missions, and what happens when we get a call...</p><p>We also have five teams of IRC members and friends taking part in the Rickshaw Run - check out their blogs to find out about their preparations for the adventure of a lifetime:</p><ul><li>International Rescue Corps 1</li><li>International Rescue Corps 2 </li><li>IRC Rickmeister Rupshaw </li><li>John knows best! </li><li>Team McFarlane &amp; Nicols Opticians Scotland </li></ul><p>So, who are we and why are we worthy of your hard earned sponsorship money?</p><p>The IRC is a UK based urban search and rescue organisation with a 30 year track record of saving lives both in the UK and overseas.&nbsp; We are all volunteers and offer our services free of charge, whereever and whenever they are required.&nbsp; We are supported entirely by donations made by the public and corporate sponsorship. Every penny goes towards saving lives as we do not employ staff in administration, fundraising or any other role in the Corps. </p><p>Becoming an operational member isn't easy - there are three years of hard work training and being assessed to make sure every member has the skills necessary to work in the dangerous conditions we experience in earthquakes or other situations overseas.&nbsp; The kind of work that we do and the intensity of training and attending disasters around the world means that our members are a tight knit team, often referring to IRC as a &lsquo;second family&rsquo;.</p><p>We are all proud to be members of such a world-class team, with the mission of being 'United to Save Life' - with your help we can carry on responding to disasters worldwide and helping those most in need.</p><p>For more information on what we do please visit our website at <strong></strong> - also on the website you'll find a fundraising pack full of info to help you reach your &pound;1000 target! </p><p>&nbsp;$parse[embedvideo_732]&nbsp;</p>