The totals are in...
After a fair bit of running around, chasing paperwork and counting coins, our fundraising total stands at an amazing **£2573.25**. This is absolutely staggering given our £1,000 target, which not so long ago seemed like we were going to struggle to hit.
So, from ourselves, but more importantly on behalf of Frank Water and the thousands of people this money will go to help provide with safe clean drinking water, **Thank You!** We've been amazed by the generosity and support of our friends, families, colleagues and intrigued strangers.
And for those wondering about the important matter ofjust how far we drove our Tuk Tuk, the figure came in at **3,084km***!
If you haven't seen them yet, we've uploaded a collection of some of our photos from the entire trip, so just [click here]( to check them out.
**Thanks again, and here's to our next adventure!**
**For those paying attention you may remember we mentioned that our speedometer broke in Agra, so we didn't know after that point how far or fast we were going. However we did draw a line on our paper map every day to show where we had driven, so through the magic of Google Maps and some painstaking retracing we came to the figure above which is as about accurate as it'll ever be! :) *
Back to reality
Thanks to everyone for their support while we've been away. Now we're safely back in reality, we'll be collecting together various fundraising bits to get a final total, but we do at least know we've definitely raised over £2k which is amazing!
We'll also be sorting out photos and videos to bore you all with over the next couple of weeks, so keep a look out on here or Facebook for those.
*Bob *
Delhi, India
Visited Delhi's Red Fort this morning. Now stopped for a spot of lunch at the incredibly swanky Imperial Hotel.
Jaisalmer, India
Our train has just pulled out of Jaisalmer on the start of our 17 hour, 34 stop journey to Delhi. We've managed to get 2 beds between the 3 of us in one of the air conditioned carriages. We're hoping someone won't get on in a few stops and we'll get a third bed that is currently reserved. The beds are all bunks and we're surrounded by a mix of other rallies and locals. Bob
Jaisalmer, India
All the teams here have just been for a big victory parade around town, our last drive in Jabba! It was carnage, the whole town bought to a standstill as we snarled up the central roundabout doing endless circles of it. Everyone has given up driving carefully since we've already finished, there was a lot of two wheel action! We have a cricket match later against a team from the air force. Their base is right nearby and we keep seeing or hearing the jets flying overhead, it's quite a big military town here. Bob
Jaisalmer, India
Got our feet for a few mins while we plan the next few days to get home. Just had a look and we're only £50 short of raising £2000, which is brilliant, thanks to everyone who has sponsored us while w've been on the road. Hopefully with some other cash donations we haven't added to that yet, we'll be over the 2k mark! After a tiring and hot couple of weeks, I'm really looking forward to getting home now. Bob.
Jaisalmer, India
Finished!!! Just arrived at the finish line, 30th place at 13:30.
Rajasthan, India
We passed a large stone mine earlier and had to stop and wait while they did some blasting. A pickup truck full of people coming the other way obviously hadn't been warned as they were all trying to keep down and cover their heads, and stopped to shout at the man stopping the traffic at our end. Bob@
Rajasthan, India
Finally it's warming up, had our first cold morning which is no fun in an exposed Rickshaw! Been on the road since about 5.30 this morning, and it's just gone 9am. Making really good progress, just shy of halfway for today. If the roads stay this good we should be at the finish this afternoon. The landscape here has become like the wild west, dry with only tough shrubbery and grass. There are large areas of exposed sand, hints of the dessert underneath us. We passed a large stone mine rapier
Rajasthan, India
Hopefully our penultimate day of driving today to get us to Jodhpur, then a long final stretch tomorrow. Might mean driving through the night tomorrow, but there isn't much on that bit so probably nowhere to stay. We've booked our sleeper train from Jaisalmer back to Delhi on Sunday, which will be an experience in itself. We have guaranteed seats, but not beds unless a certain number of people don't turn up. Fingers crossed they won't or it'll be an uncomfortable 17 hours! Bob