In UB Talking Strategy
Ok, I guess we're not talking strategy yet. Mostly eating a lot of mystery meat, hiking to Buddhist monasteries, holding vultures with 6ft wingspans, and visiting 60ft Genghis Khan statues. Been a pretty great real first day in Ulaanbaatar!
Next Stop Beijing
My nerves have finally calmed down and I'm relaxing and having sushi in the SFO international terminal! I'm cleared for takeoff and am ready for Beijing!
10 hours and counting
Holy shit. In 10 hours I will be on my way to Mongolia by way of Beijing. I have so many people to thank. My family and friends, first of all, I would not be here without your unending support. My incredible sponsors, FITS, Eddie Bauer, Dover, Iron Horse Brewery, DeLorme, and Capricious Ventures. My trainer Verne, who imparts all of his brilliant horse wisdom on me every single day. My work, for letting me embark on the incredible journey and still having a job when I come back. And all the people who will be saying prayers, thinking about me, and supporting me by way of thoughts. I love you and i appreciate you more than you know!
Mac has landed at dog summer camp!
Part of my preparations for the derby was finding a place that my 85lb dog could hang out at for 3 weeks! Thanks to my amazing friends Sue and Ferron, she's landed at what I consider dog summer camp where she can play all day with 3 other dogs, hang out on the river, and take walks every day. We even slept out under the stars last night!

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Test One Two!
I'm on count down! 10 days left till I leave for the outer reaches of Mongolia to compete in the world's longest horse race. Can't wait to meet the other riders, horses, herders, and medic/vet team.