The start of the whole journey
Hi Mongol Derby Enthusiasts! I thought I would take the opportunity to introduce myself, I am Jodie, I am 30, I am married and I live in Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia. We have five fur kids which will be my fitness training partners in the preparation of this event - 3 beautiful mixed breed hounds and 2 horses).
Why am I riding you may ask? Because I want to. Because it will be a challenge. Because it will test me to the very limits of my being and I know I will have such a great sense of achievement when I cross the finish line (heck! I already do feel a little bit of accomplishment through the early progress in my fitness journey!)
I will be riding for my Dad who passed away in 2015 from Chronic Lymphatic Leukaemia. He was a great horseman, and a great stockman. He gave me the passion for the beef industry in Australia which has led me to be where I am today doing what I'm doing. I am grateful for what he taught me.
Currently, I feel like I am nowhere near prepared. Lucky there's 5 months between now and the race! I'm too fat, I'm not fit enough, and I don't have any gear prepared (yet). I'm pretty much fresh meat in comparison to some of the other riders i've been stalking who have already been preparing for months! So if you would like to follow me and my journey on Instagram my handle is @jodiew0506, or stalk me on twitter i'm at @JodieNT or if you want the warts and all story, feel free to harass me on Facebook at "Is She Crazy? Jodie's Mongol Derby. And heck, if you want to throw some money my way, you can do that also ;)
Alright, I'd best dash as my lunch break is over! We'll talk again soon! xo