Team Jolly Roger

Isaac Liney

British guy living in the wonderful kingdom of Norway.

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Kenneth Lundby

25 years old. Norwegian viking and a computer programmer. Rude!

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<p><font size="2"><strong>Isaac and Kenneth are going on an adventure of a lifetime! We had a brief moment of boredom one day back in 2009 and decided we wanted to do something fun.</strong></font></p><p><font size="2"><strong>We quickly found out that the Mongol Rally were exaclty what we wanted! Why? Because there is to much boredom in the world...</strong></font> </p><p><font size="2"><strong>So we are going to Mongolia</strong></font>. <font size="2"><strong>And how are we getting there? By car.. Yes we are driving the 16 000 km from London to UlanBaatar in Mongolia.</strong></font> </p>