Kakapo Khan haven't posted any updates yet.
Throughout the Journey Rory Maxwell, Hamish Begg, and Mark Wilson aim to raise money for the cancer society. All being Friends since our time at Mount Hutt college and all growing up in Methven we decided to Team up and go on this wild adventure. We chose the Cancer Society as cancer has affected many people and recently hit a few local families in the region but also throughout New Zealand which has made it very close to home. Hearing the stories from friends and family of all the wonderful support the cancer Society has given to local families in their time of need has made us realize what a great time it is for us to raise some money and support this great cause!
We will be completing challenges and requests on our social media pages along the way in exchange for money donated on this GiveaLittle Page.
Feel free to contact us on our social media and send this around. We'd love to raise as much as we can. keep an eye out for posts on the team Instagram and Facebook as we share this Adventure with everyone, the journey starts on the 12th of July
Cheers Team!!!

The Cancer Society
We're here to support people affected by cancer across Canterbury and West Coast. The Canterbury-West Coast Division was formed on 27 November 1929 after a public meeting of 350 people was held in Christchurch's Civic Theatre. The attendees voted unanimously "to form a Division of the New Zealand Branch of the British Empire Campaign Society of Canterbury, Marlborough, Nelson and Westland".