Team Katy Willings


I talk like Marlene Dietrich,
And I dance like Zizi Jeanmaire.
My clothes are all made by Balmain,
And there's diamonds and pearls in my hair (yes there are)

<p>I&nbsp;knew this would happen!</p><p>I had just been scraped off the road by some gallant rickshaw wallahs, some 50kms from the finish line of the Winter Rickshaw Run in January, after an unfortunate rolling-rickshaw-and-bouncing-off-oncoming-truck incident.&nbsp; </p><p>I may have hit my head.&nbsp; <img src="images/gallery09/3938/400x400.jpeg" title="whoopsie!" /></p><p>The upshot was this: I was only half-listening, in&nbsp;a haze of adrenaline and tarmac-rash, when someone described the Adventurists' latest&nbsp;caper, which had been unveiled that morning.&nbsp; My ears pricked up at the word &quot;horseback&quot;, and my eyes met the worried gaze of Tony, my&nbsp;beloved and rather broken rickshaw partner.&nbsp; &quot;Drop it Willings, you're still bleeding!&quot;, his expression&nbsp;said.&nbsp; Too late.&nbsp; &quot;I could do that.&nbsp; Definitely.&nbsp; Riding is about my only talent.&quot;&nbsp; I entered the Mongol Derby surreptitiousy from my desk, two days after returning from India.</p><p>Having initially made the reserve list and missed the final cut, I had resigned myself to a more pedestrian existence: taking normal holidays, re-visiting the life drawing classes&nbsp;I had been toying with, and growing a herb garden in our flat in Oval.&nbsp; But nurturing marjoram did not fill the emotional void, and so&nbsp;I went to New York for a week, stayed out really late, drank lots of cocktails and rode in lots of taxis.&nbsp; On my return, fresh in&nbsp;on the Red Eye,&nbsp;I almost overlooked the email from the Adventurists HQ to say there had been an unfortunate drop-out...</p><p>So, with more than two months of fitness, survival skills, publicity and sponsorship to catch up on, here&nbsp;I am, the late entry.&nbsp; I could hardly be more excited.&nbsp; In fact, below was about the closest&nbsp;I have got to being this excited, and actually that was due to artificial (but still legal Mum!) stimulants.&nbsp; This is the real thing.&nbsp;</p><p><img src="images/gallery09/6341/400x400.jpeg" /></p>