Team Ladakh Laddoos

Ladakh Laddoos haven't posted any updates yet.


Have passport.....will travel....and I have lol. But this trip is going to be the best adventure yet :-)

Navigational skills.....uh.....nope...
Mechanical know how......uh.....definitely nope...
Culinary flair.....whoo hoo....yes!
Party hard stamina.......for sure :-)
Adventurous.....try anything attitude......check!

The exits are here......Fasten your seat belts people....this is going to be one bumpy ride :-)

Bring it!!!!


Kevin Duke is an attorney who loves off beat adventures and travel, especially if it is for a good cause. He was a champion scooter driver when he was four and therefore is probably the more skilled driver of his teammates, however his map reading skills are crap and his mechanical skills are non-existent. His lawyer negotiation skills will be useful in negotiating tricky traffic situations. Perfectly suited for this epic adventure.

We are veterans of the Mongol Rally (Raiders of Ulanbataar) and knew it was time for yet another madcap adventure!