Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
We've done it! After 6 weeks, over 9,000 miles, 19 countries, 2 ferries and 1 written off car we've finally crossed the finish line. Thanks to everyone for the support, but especially to The Mongol Way Round team who carried us the final 600 miles after the Blue Beast packed in.
Bulgan, Mongolia
The Kalos is fixed! Spent the night in a yurt. Should make it to the finish line today.
Uvurkhangai, Mongolia
The MWR Kalos rear left suspension spring has sheered in 2 places. Needless to say we will not be making the finish party, currently limping to the next town in search of someone who can weld.
Bayankhongor, Mongolia
The team has been split. Sam has taken a bus to UB while Matt and Oli make the last push with the MWR boys. Hoping to make it for the party tonight and be reunited.
Govi-Altai, Mongolia
Sam has made his return with the Beast. It is currently stuck on the unloading bay though.
Govi-Altai, Mongolia
We've found the drop off point. According to the Adventurists hotline it's 24 hours... Well it's 1.30 am and we're camping in the car park. Sam and the Skoda are still absent. MWR boys have squeezed us into their tent too. Cheers then! Tour.
Khovd, Mongolia
Sam has been taken! He was in the driver seat of the Skoda when we pushed it onto a truck to Altai and they drive off with him still inside! I'm sure he'll be fine, they wedged the car in with tyres.
Khovd, Mongolia
We've (hopefully!) arranged for a truck to carry the beast to Altai. Then we're hopping into the Kinky Kalos with the MWR boys and heading for UB!
Khovd, Mongolia
The beast is no more. The bodged drive shaft has given up and we're now waiting at the side of the road for a tow to the Altai car drop off.
Khovd, Mongolia
The beast has made it another few miles. We're going to celebrate Henry's birthday like we originally intended: not desperately trying to fix a drive shaft but with a massive fire in the desert!