Team Little Miss Sunshine

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Claire Livingston

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a much confused kiwi, currently residing in an oversized sandpit in central Queensland....

<p><font size="4"><font face="georgia,palatino">One starry summer's night on the Spanish party island of Ibiza, a parrot, a leopard and a somewhat confused giraffe/cat found themselves sleeping on a stationary bus waiting to take them back to a boiling hostel room somewhere on the other side of the island. It was the end of a long night, a night that had seen them acting like complete animals at a party in an abandoned zoo and were later found chasing balloons and avoiding dancing robots at one of the biggest night clubs on the island. It may have been the end of the night, and as the leopard flew off that morning to have root canal surgery (well what we hoped was root canal surgery, as it had been arranged with the help of google translate) it was also the end of their party for the meantime, but it was also the beginning of a new bond between these three odd characters.&nbsp;</font></font></p><p><font size="4"><font face="georgia,palatino">One starry summer's night (or perhaps it was closer to dawn) on the Spanish party island of Ibiza, a parrot, a leopard and a somewhat confused giraffe/cat found themselves dreaming on that stationary bus. They were dreaming of glorfied lawn mowers, elephants on the road, sandy beaches, cricket, snake charmers, slums, head wiggles, the Taj Mahal, curries and papadams. They were dreaming of India. </font></font></p><p><font size="4"><font face="georgia,palatino">Follow our animal prints as we begin the 3500 kilometre journey across India driving only a rickshaw (tuk tuk, or glorified lawn mower). Support us as we raise money to help stop the trafficking of women as well as providing cleaner water in India. </font></font></p>