Istanbul, Turkey
Day 5 and 6: LOTDs mission end it 8 hrs from Vama Veche to istanbul. After an hour driving around Istanbul looking for our hostel we made it by 1am.fantastic night sleep after 5 nights in the swag. Battled through 5 hrs at the Iran embassy in this mad city on day 6. Finally got the bastard by 3 and still had time to be tourists in between. With a new cut throat shave and one night in istanbul to go, the team moral is at fizz levels, and the lads are ready to look at a new career in the nuclear industry.
Vama veche, Romania
After dominating the Transfargaran highway in a 5 hour drive and climbing to a height of 2000m we heading to the gold beaches of Vama Veche to party to early hours.
Sibiu, Romania
Day 3 was a mammoth journey as Charty the Steve Price of racing took control of the wheel for the first time. LOTD steeped foot in 4 countries in one day crossing 3 boarders. Took a wrong turn in Arad and come across a wee family campground who cooked us a local Romanian dish for dinner and first shower in 4 days... HooRa
Day 4 We are dominating The Romanian country side although the horse and carts are making for slow progress. Precious is about to take on the famous Transfaargan highway to her favourite tune 'eye of the tiger'. Her journey in life has come down to this moment. Will update again when we can.
Sibiu, Romania
Day 3 was a mammoth journey as Charty the Steve Price of racing took control of the wheel for the first time. LOTD steeped foot in 4 countries in one day crossing 3 boarders. Took a wrong turn in Arad and come across a wee family campground who cooked us a local Romanian dish for dinner and first shower in 4 days... HooRa
Day 4 We are dominating The Romanian country side although the horse and carts are making for slow progress. Precious is about to take on the famous Transfaargan highway to her favourite tune 'eye of the tiger'. Her journey in life has come down to this moment. Will update again when we can.
Frankfurt, Germany
day one seen us drive 290 miles and freedom camping on the Netherlands/Germany border. Thanks to the Aashen power station for givi
Goodwood Race Track, England
we are out! Pol position.
Hammersmith, London, England: 24hrs until we see how much Precious can take.

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