The End
One last push, one wee ferry ride with the rickshaw and we made it. We actually made it. 3962km later our wee rickshaw is let to rest as are we. Only one thing to do then. Party!
The End
One last push, one wee ferry ride with the rickshaw and we made it. We actually made it. 3962km later our wee rickshaw is let to rest as are we. Only one thing to do then. Party!
Where is the wheel?
pushing down to the coast we passed the remaining tea fields of India as we defended down to sea level. Stopping by Ponnani (just for the name really) we got our first view of the west coast and Indian Ocean. From coast to coast it was some sight. With a realisation of nowhere to stay we decided to push on to get as close to loch one as we could but all was going to well. A while bearing fixture later we find ourselves in the first hotels we could get to. Bed time before the final push tomorrow
Safari day
Realising our rickshaw sounds like a ferocious tiger we decided to try our luck seeing animals on the tour bus and then jeep provided. We saw the usual suspects but not tigers or leopards unfortunately but it is a beautiful place and with another night spent round the fire (with 2 other rickshaw teams) it is hard to complain
Tiger ranch
Up sharp, out the door and off to see the place of South India, Mysore palace. Touring around in our barefeet looking like right tourist we then packed up and hit the road. Bandipur national park, in our rickshaws, which have signs everywhere saying do not stop or feed the animals, we felt safe as can be without any doors. We made our way down some off road tracks but arrived and our wilderness escape. Tiger ranch! Beers beside the bonfire with peace and quiet for once!
Blessed temples
what a day, morning at the bull temple and then onto the Shiva temple to get to a new level of enlightenment. Leaving feeling relaxed and calm we then hit the manic traffic and drive into the thunderstorm monsoon. Now resting in our hotel before digging into some more great Indian grub ![Uploading file...]()
Independence Day
What a day, guests of Honor at the independence ceremony at our hotel and then a pleasant drive to begaluru with monkeys and all sorts along the way. Finished off with a manic night in town and some amazing beers in a local brewery. Tough times
A slice of heaven
So more manic night driving, not even phased by it any more. We rock up to a swanky hotel, missing a shoe (must have jumped out somewhere along the way) and covered in dust, mud and oil. That's not an issue though, as we are shown into the classy world for just £12 for the night. Scandalous! Looking forward to the independace day celebrations
The Chennai 500
The big push today, the one and only chennai 500km route. Safe to say an early rise and busy and bumpy motorway became way to boring for us so we decided to get off it and drive back along roads packed with crazy lorry drivers, fast buses and a million people and animals too!
Bloody Google
Ok so we just wanted to find a hotel after a 450km day. So where does google send us? Down the farmers back tracks with no lights (mind this is now pitch dark) until we find a local who takes us to one. Safe to say our compass is all we will use from now on!
The long roads
Now we are just making our way down the coast. Stopping and taking it in, talking to locals and continually zip tying the rickshaw back together. Also didn't help when we had our fists crash, but zip ties helped sort that too!