Team Maple Marauders

Jade O'Toole
Of Maple Marauders
On the Mongol Rally 2017

Visas? Insurance? Permits? What the heck did I sign up for?

“These are not holidays. These are adventures and so by their very nature extremely risky. You really are putting both your health and life at risk”… Awesome. What the heck did I sign up for? This is one of the many times that I have questioned why on earth I am excited to take part in an event that involves driving an old, tiny car through cities, deserts, and mountain ranges. Oh, and I could potentially die or be stranded on some random dirt road in Kazakhstan. There’s that too. But even with all these brutal possibilities, I am keen to embark on this wild ride across continents. Considering my “craziest” trip consisted of “glamping” through Europe on a Contiki tour, I feel very out of my league. Not to mention, I don’t know anything about cars. If, well, I guess I mean *when*, we break down I’ll be the one staring at the smoke coming out from under the hood with the “we’re fucked” expression. To make myself somewhat useful, I will be trying to learn a bit of Russian in preparation. Though, I haven’t tried to learn a language since grade 12 Spanish, and even after two years of instruction, my Spanish is at about Dora the Explorer level… at best. With a little over four months before Dani and I fly to London to meet up with our two teammates for the Launch Party, the visas are hovering over us like dementors from Harry Potter. Turkey, Russia, Azerbaijan, and the Stans (Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan). Six visas. Four months. Some of the applications for these visas, even if we’re only there for a day or two, are more complicated than my application for Australian citizenship. While there is tons to do before Dani and I start driving from BC to Ontario in early July before the rally (I’ll literally be doing a lap around the world this summer…), I am ecstatic to have this insane opportunity. It will definitely be a hard experience to top in the future. Shout out to Kashtin and Peter for letting me join you, and an advanced apology for my lack of mechanical skills and my guaranteed shrieks when we come across the spawn of Satan (aka camel spiders).


Kashtin Apsassin
Of Maple Marauders
On the Mongol Rally 2017

What have I just done?

To whom it may concern,

I may have just signed up for my death. Although I do not do this with remorse. I am but a young 20 year old, but in my ignorant and short existence, I have come to the perspective that life ought to be lived. It is surely, an observation that has been made by many before me, specifically those that participate in the Mongol Rally. With this, however, I do join an intrepid few.

I am a 20 year old who only just found his feet. My teammates, are the same. We are self-identified petrolheads, looking for the ultimate driving adventure. We have not the money for the Gumball, so this is the next best option. I'm sure it will prove to be the better option.

This blogpost will be short, as I hadn't prepared a speech in advance. Just know that I, and my fellow blokes,* we will come. We will see. We will conquer. *


As a business student who found his wings, I strive to live life to create great stories. To seize opportunities, and do the unorthodox.

I come from a small town in the middle of nowhere, middle/northern Canada. I realised how big the world is, and how I ought to see all of it when I spent a semester abroad in Austria.

Finally, I live life to inspire others. I live life to create stories. I live life to live life.




Team Maple Marauders is the manifestation of the blind recklessness of four inexperienced Canadians looking to do something (relatively) insane.

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

From their about page: "For more than 60 years, Heart & Stroke has been dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. Our work has saved thousands of lives and improved the lives of millions of others. You’ll probably run into someone today who is alive and well thanks to the countless Canadians who have supported our cause with their time and donations. Our vision: Healthy lives free of heart disease and stroke. Together we will make it happen."


Cool Earth

CoolEarth is a charity that works alongside indigenous villages to halt rainforest destruction.
