The old bastard is back in the saddle but sadly weakened by no beer and chocolate

Weight continues to play on my mind...

Another set of scales on order, before I smashed the last set they did seem to indicate that weight gain had slowed... worryingly they also indicated I was a size 16 dress size though.
At the moment I'm racing in boots, half chaps, a hard hat and nothing else... not even my wrist watch... as far as I can tell this is permitted by the rules?
Time to get off the sofa and into a saddle IF I fit?

Just opened the curtains and had a look outside... it's still raining. Winter has been really wet, have not moved my bottom off the sofa since November: watched every Western VHS I have many times over and think my riding has improved? My memory has as I've learnt 53 scripts verbatim. Will find out tomorrow IF my riding has been helped as the donkeys are back on the beach. Wish me luck?
Before that Champagne...

Just heard the NEWS! We are in!!!
In shock, the awful réalisation has just hit me... chocolate, beer, G&T's will all soon be a distant memory; raises the question though - how to celebrate now? Suppose all that's left is Champagne?!?!