Team Mary Poppins' Magic Carpet Bag

Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Got a bit carried away last night, and spent an hour trying to get into the hotel swimming pool. When george suggested picking the lock, we decided it was probably wise to call it a night. Embassy couldn't really help this morning, so we're just going to have to take a chance on a complicated border crossing.@

, Uk, Province of Irkutsk, Russian Federation

Might have left the headlights on last night... Flat battery this morning and had to be jump started with a lada battery. The shame! Road has taken a turn for the worse. Some nob flew past in a 4x4 and kicked up what can only be described as a boulder, which utterly annihilated one of our headlights, then bounced off, narrowly missing our windscreen!

Daniel Coupar

I'm a 27 year old software developer from York, and fancy doing something exciting for a change while the opportunity is there!

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George Bryson

Run of the mill!!!

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<h1><font size="4">The 3 P's to Success...</font></h1><p>Andy Mcknab says there are 3 P's which will lead to success, Preparation, Preparation, Preparation. We shall be following this road to success to the letter, for we truly believe that anything less will result in death! The first stage is to buy a car, something which we've not done yet, but we're certaintly on the hunt. Dan wants a Micra and I want an Alto, so it's highly probable that we'll end up with neither! Whatever we purchase though we will be spending plenty of time getting to know it before heading off, the last thing either of us wants is to find out that the alternator doesn't like charging the battery on our first night away! So we'll be purchasing that special little something shortly, check back here soon to see what we've invested in!!!</p>