Day 14 - Pokhran to Jaisalmer

Day 14 - Pokhran to Jaisalmer
Day 13 - Jodhpur to Pokhran
Finish day eve today, reality is settling in that this is almost over. Today we had a sleep in, as in to 830, and took the opportunity to check out Jodhpur. Anyone deciding to visit India, get amongst Rajasthan! We left just after midday and 3-4 hours we reached Pokhran, where we are staying in a scenic fort hotel. In between however is desert life, sandy, dry and nothing.
Day 12 - Udaipur to Jodhpur
Big day today, taxing on both us and Rickshi. Travelled 200+KM today including a unnecessary 25km detour by missing a turnoff. We headed towards a Kumbahlgarh fort for a visit which was damn awesome, but the roads were hilly and rugged giving the rickshaw a good test of it's mana. Safe to say Rickshi passed, we are in Jodhpur now, less than 300km from the end and with 2 days to spare. Happy times!
The fort we visited is a World Heritage Site and it's walls cover a perimeter of approx. 40km. She's a biggy!
Day 11 - Olpad to Udaipur
Well the overnight truck ride took just over 10hours. Wasn't that comfortable, but had to be done. No regrets though as we got to explore Udaipur, a beautiful city from above with a good modern vibe. We are reunited with Rickshaw McCaw and will be back on the road again early tomorrow. Time to catch up on sleep after the lack of it on last night's truck.
Day 10 - Olpad to Olpad
Yip you read that correctly... We got nowhere! After a attempted leave this morning, we felt it was time Rickshi got a check up. This meant half a day was at least going to be lost. As we lost time yesterday also for family day, it was decided that we get Rickshi on a truck, and make up time that way. As I type this, we are on a 7-8 journey north to Udaipur. It is almost 1 am and we just left... 1130pm was the intended departure but we couldn't leave when the IPL cricket match was going to the wire could we!? Only in India :) and yes, there is not enough room in the truck so someone has to sit in the rickshaw - Cei is taking first shift.
Important to note:
- Rickshi is fine and well, will be ready to take on our last few days of driving
- We have reached 6K in donations... You guys are legends!!
Check out our secure Rickshaw load on the truck
Day 9 - Daman to Olpad
Absolute highlight today! Mehul and I both got the opportunity to drive our metal beasts to our families. It's been a long and slow 9 days on the road so to see some familiar faces, great hospitality, and real home cooked food was an absolute treat! They must think we are mad (we probably are), but they embraced our adventure and have sent us packing with snacks, full bellies and positive vibes. Can't beat family!
In the meantime, we are $22 short of 6K donations for our charities, and we have shaven and got moustaches in honour of your donations so far! If we look creepy, we already know that. If we look like real Indian Rickshaw drivers, job done :)
Day 8 - Lonawala to Daman
Cruise day today, started with a awesome site of the sun with a valley, some cricket with locals, and the treat of McDonalds, before we entered Gujurat. IPL and beers to finish the night... Before tomorrow's exciting day. Tomorrow Mehul and I visit our families who are equally excited to see us. Can't wait!
Day 6 - Belguam to Satara
A solid days travelling over 200+km meant we have made great progress north to a town called Satara. Our highlight however, was a young detour we took early this morning to see a abandoned temple, in the middle of nowhere near the calmest lake one could imagine. The lake was calm, the scenery was beautiful, and the peaceful environment was a good change from your usual India. Photos do it no justice. Massive ups to Cei for the find, for a second we thought we were wasting our time.
Oh and yes, we have now entered into the state of Maharashtra.
Day 5 - Palolem to Belguam
Today was all about tour de mechanics. Rickshi (yip we've named him) has been making funny noises the last couple days so getting checked was the aim of the game. Having been told we needed a new gearbox (maybe some scheming mechanic), we made this our mission. Aaaah, but India isn't that simple is it. A) finding a rickshaw mechanic that can do a job quickly isn't that easy, B) finding a spare gearbox isn't much easier.
However, Rickshi was still running so we made a decision to continue progressing and hoping to find a mechanic/gear box/quick fix en route. 140km later, travelling from sea, through jungle, to a city, we had no luck. Then heavy rain struck, so we stopped at a gas station for shelter. There we met a actual rickshaw driver, who claims to be a mechanic of course. After a few looks, tests and adjustments, he reckons there are no issues. In his own words, "enjoy and drive with freedom". Whether he was legit or not, music to our ears! Wish us luck I suppose!
Day 4 - Kumta to Palolem Beach (Goa!)
A rewarding day this. A short 113km (short as in 4-5 hour journey) journey got us to Goa just after midday. With a couple of stops and no hassles, the pics will tell you the rest of the story. Making the most of potentially our last coastal day.
Next stop... Aah let us relax, we'll work it out soon.
3 Chaps, little clue. Should be fun right?
In a nutshell, raise awareness and support research in these cancers. Cool Earth saves the rainforests!