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My mate Jason entered me into the Icarus Trophy. I wasn’t paying much attention but when I looked up the video I knew it was the right thing for me. I woke up the next day and thought sod it. I’ll do it.
Now it’s a year later.
A barber and self-confessed Essex-boy Matt has been paramotoring for three years. He used to be a fan of motorbikes, but when his beloved beast was stolen, he spent the insurance cash on a pair of wings and a motor.
He was quickly hooked and with the help of a local instructor spent the first ten weeks getting up at 6am every day to chase the clouds.
When we asked him how he was preparing for the Icarus, he claimed he was drinking Budweiser and trying to "have a nice day." He's also been remotely following the weather and is researching the difference that the mountains will make to his flight. With three years experience under his belt, he says he is all too aware how quickly everything can change in the skies.