SMS Update
Now 200kms from Cuzco. Had 4 hour detour yesterday due
SMS Update
Now 200kms from Cuzco. Had 4 hour detour yesterday due
SMS Update
arrived late in the evening yesterday having been on r
At last we begin
Finally we have got our hands on our Mototaxi, christened ´Ésperanza´last night. We just need to collect the final paperwork this morning and we are ready to go.
 Our maiden voyage in Esperanza was traumatic, involving Simon stalling approximately 30 times in the 500m journey to our hotel. Of course it was the fault of the machine and not Simon´s driving...`Another fiesta (a near daily occurence on Huancayo) caused road blockages immediately around our hotel so our 500m journey took us well over an hour as we got ushered round the seemingly incomprehensible one-way system of Huancayo. We made it in one piece, had a massive steak for supper and all semd rosy again!
As I´ve been typing there has been another hiccup with the paperwork. I am bored going into detail, but fingers crossed next time we blog we will be on the road at last!
 John & Simon
Final Preparations
We have a compass, a map, a first aid kit and have drawn a line on a map directly from start to finish. Unfortunately there are no roads following that exact line!! Guess we'll be working out our route on the plane over there, oh and learning Spanish as well....Â

Having survived the Rickshaw Run in 2007 I guess it's about time to have another go and doing something stupid in a 3-wheeled piece of junk! Fingers crossed this will be as awesome a trip as the last one...
<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 12px; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana"><p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-large"><strong>"Me puede ayudar, por favor?... No arranca la mototaxi"</strong></span></p><p>Hello, and welcome to our team website for the Mototaxi Junket 2009! </p><p>We are two old friends from university who, seeking adventure, glory and fame, have somewhat inadvisedly come to the decision to take part in this most challenging of jaunts across the South American continent - a mammoth 4000km from Peru to Paraguay in a massively optimistic two weeks!!Hopefully we will still be friends at the end...</p><p>Our trusty steed for this ridiculous trek is none other than that pinnacle of modern transport ingenuity and mainstay of international commuting, the mototaxi, a South American take on a rickshaw. All 125cc of this thundering beast will be put to the test lugging our combined weight of almost 35 stone over the majestic Andes, past the Inca Trail and Lake Titicaca in Peru, along the infamous Road of Death to the salt flats of Bolivia and the grassy plains of Paraguay before hopefully arriving in one piece (and several kilos lighter) in Asuncion. </p><p>But this is not merely a chance for us to travel the world and lose weight... Our aim is also to raise at least £1000 for <a href="" target="_blank">Operation Smile</a>, a most worthy charity focussed on providing free reconstructive surgery for children and young adults afflicted with facial deformities that can affect their ability to breathe, eat, drink and speak. There are several Operation Smile projects currently active in South America and we hope to visit some of the sites during our travels.</p><p>So peruse our website, laugh at our brave stupidity, offer your support and donate lots of money to <a href="" target="_blank">Operation Smile</a> on our fundraising website - <a href=""></a></p><p> </p><p> </p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: x-large; color: #0000ee; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: underline"><img alt="random" border="0" height="521" src="ulimages/userstore/10230/random.jpg" title="random" width="481" /></span></span>