Team Mighty Morphin' Flower Arrangers


The epitome of the eccentric English gentleman, with a penchant for fine Whiskey and a talent for crayon pictures. Richard spends most of his time outdoors and has an irrational love of mad-cap adventure sports and travelling. Way back in July 2015, Richard decided that it was about time he became a proper adult, and so he bought his first house as a little bit of a renovation project. Just six months later, after removing the kitchen, the bathroom, the ceilings, some of the floors and with the house no longer having either electric or running water, Richard decided that he’d had enough of adulting and would much rather be off adventuring again … and so this shell of a house is basically now just a very expensive Mongol Rally kit store.

Team leader, professional amateur, Lego master builder, chief colouring in-erer and level 27 finger painter. Going into this venture armed with nothing more than an elementary hunter-gatherer instinct, the ability to point and talk louder in English to people of any Nationality, and the vague knowledge that Mongolia is in a generally Easterly direction!

This seems somewhat perilous ... excellent!


A care home Administrator in Newcastle who thought it would be a good idea to use his entire annual leave allowance to escort an accident-prone friend a third of the way across the world...

Two guys, a crappy car, and the vague knowledge that Mongolia is in a kind of Easterly direction ...