Team Mixed Nuts


To those who stumbled across this webpage...

We (Dinesh, Rahul and Matt) are 2 weeks away from beginning perhaps the most daring/reckless adventure of our lifetime...

The primary purpose of this journey is to raise money for our chosen charity, but also to challenge ourselves physically and more so mentally. This is in full knowledge that a large proportion of the world already face situations that we are likely to witness everyday.

Lessons learnt thus far:

  - Preparation makes for a more comfortable/predictable/less stressful journey...our preparation began last week, and in all honesty typing this blog is just procrastination from preparing further. Our flights were booked today; visas should come through with a week to spare; and accomodation yet to be determined.

   - Mechanical/technical ignorance makes for excitement now, but likely trouble later...

Keep posted for further updates (+ lessons learnt...) 

Dinesh Vignarajah

Load Dinesh

Rahul Thomas

Load Rahul

Matt Gibson

Load Matt