Team Mongol Musketeers

Sam Bowers
Of Mongol Musketeers
On the Mongol Rally 2017

Entry 1 - Preparation is in full swing

Behold our blog - here we will be keeping you updated about where we are, what we're doing, and what's coming next!

Our website is now complete - - and our flight to Dublin is confirmed for June 6! Please have a look at the site and spread the word.

Next comes Sponsors & Visas. Stay tuned for more news!




"The merit of all things lies in their difficulty; never fear quarrels, but seek hazardous adventures." - Alexandre Dumas

Cure Alzheimer's Fund

Mission: To fund research with the highest probability of preventing, slowing, or reversing Alzheimer’s disease. More Info: Cure Alzheimer’s Fund was founded in 2004 by Jeffrey Morby, Jacqui Morby, Henry McCance, and Phyllis Rappaport as a way to fund Alzheimer's disease research. Following principles of venture philanthropy, the organization attempts to identify high-risk, high-reward studies that require seed money in order to gather the data needed to qualify for a large grant, such as one from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The founders are still involved in managing the fund, and continue to cover all of its operating costs. They employ a small staff to run the Wellesley Hills office. As of the end of 2013, Cure Alzheimer's Fund had funded 77 projects and distributed a total of approximately $22.8 million in grants.
