Team More Paneer Dear?

Ian Dickson
Of More Paneer Dear?
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 4- Shillong to Barpeta

So first day of the Rickshaw run! Up early to finish panic packing after last nights beer drinking. A quick breakfast of toast then it's a taxi down to the start grounds. Fancy dress is on and we seem to have a LOT more stuff than what we brought! Let's hope it's useful....

Turn up at the start line and get some pimping of the rickshaw on the go! Flags, bottle holders, a lucky rubber duck and we are pretty much ready for the off!

After some speeches and cheering followed by a group photo it's time for the off! The organisers have kindly put a follow me vehicle on to get us out of the city, sadly we lose it after about 200 yards! Luckily with the majority of the other runners too! So it's off down possibly the STEEPEST hill in the WORLD, only to discover it's a dead end and single track! The next 30 mins are spent man handling rickshaws around to get us all pointing the right way and then back up the hideous hill. Sam pushed, Ian drove.

Once back vaguely on the road again we spot guys we know, Dave has GPS! Follow him! Well that was a mistake - next thing we are approaching some army border check point! Defo time to turn around. After a lot of asking directions and some wacky races we are on the road to Guwahati, in convoy with Dave and co. The road is hilly and the boys are driving so we drove it like we stole it! Particular highlight is Ian attempting an overtake for good video, only the lads are shouting NO and signalling to slow down, we assume a truck is imminent... However after some sign language it turns out our jerry can full of fuel is being dragged along under the riskshaw! Sam ropes it in like a fish then it's foot down again.

Approaching Guwahati it's time for a fuel stop and mixing the magic ratio of oil for the two stroke engine. Also time for a driver swap. Turns out we are close to the city and after about 10km or driving Sam hits city traffic. Chaos. All seems to be going well, dodging cars, buses, lorries, cows, people, goats, the list is endless! The amount of chaos to keep a watch on is unreal! Whilst screaming along watching endless madness Sam is avoiding a motorcyclist to the left, Ian screams he's telling you to stop!! As Sam glances back right in time to see the policeman directing traffic (clearly signing stop!) there's only time to slam the brakes on, pull off a MASSIVE skid, realise you're not gonna stop in time so as her father taught her well decide the best and only option is back on the gas - floor it!! Escaped unscathed!

After Guwahati it was onwards to find a lunch stop, Ian picked and it was miraculously ok despite total lack of menus or English! The five of us tucked in to some vaguely mysterious food and as of yet no ill effects!

Onwards from here we were all aiming for Barpeta to stop the night. Cruising along we see another pimped Rickshaw ahead, after speeding up we discover it's our mate William from the taxi and his teammate Greg, our convoy is now three!

After some HORRIFIC pot holed roads, being accosted by locals and a small incident of getting stuck in the mud (Ian was driving, Sam may have advised the route!) we finally roll into Barpeta. It doesn't take long to realise this is not a hip and happening tourist town, we are like a circus rolling in! After we stop up and a random guy agrees to show us to "the hotel' we make it to our destination for the night! Sadly Dave and co have mates in another rickshaw so they set off to meet them.

So it's just the four of us who venture in and well let's just say "shit hole" would be a generous review! Brick walls with barred windows, manky sheets and not even a light bulb in the bathroom! Excellent! Oh and also the worst fan you can imagine....

So realising we don't have towels we go out and buy two, head back for a dark cold shower (actually quite nice due to the insane heat and humidity) then it's out for dinner with William and Greg.

After surviving dinner it's back to the "hotel" for an (illegal) beer and a peruse of tomorrow's routing! The four of us stand in the room sweating, slagging off the hotel and savouring the sweet taste of Kingfisher Strong whilst vaguely looking at a map. It's getting late though and we plan an early start so it's time to deploy the mosquito net and get ONTO (no sheets) our single bed! Looks like it's going to be a VERY hot and sweaty night ahead!![file](// ![file](// ![file](//

Ian Dickson
Of More Paneer Dear?
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day Three- Test Driving

So after last nights partying today's plan to get up at 8am to prepare was well and truly off! Instead we dragged ourselves out of bed some time after eleven... Oops!

Off we headed to officially meet our trusty steed! Best tuk tuk we have ever seen! So after some signatures to say we wouldn't pirate the rickshaw for the rest of time or abandon it in deepest darkest India, it was time for some test driving. Ian was up first and after one stall we were off! Haring up and down some random car park in Shillong- amazing! Sam was up next, after a few stalls it turns out leaving your foot on the brake is not conducive to movement! Eventually we were off again with some successful turns and gear changes. After about 20 minutes it is decided we are fully qualified and it's time to get pimping!

A walk around town leads to nothing that helpful being bought, but we do now have a couple of cushions, a few spare parts and oil, plus a cricket bat and ball - totally ready!

A quick trip back to the rickshaw resulted again in nothing productive being done, just played some cricket with the local kids. There was however some excitememt when another team had over pimped the electrics on their trusted beast which rapidly lead to a small electrical fire, a lot of smoke and men screaming like girls! Much hilarity from all the other teams though!

This evening was questions and answers with the organisers, you will break down and don't hit cows seemed to be the general gist of the chat!

After the brief it was back to the hotel to get organised. Organisation on our trip involves a few beers first though! So after some socialising with six others doing the run, as two teams, and vague looking at maps, it was finally back to the room to get our shit together! Alarms are now set for the morning, hitting the road at 9am! GPS tracking should be on the go from tomorrow morning so tune in see what progress we are (or aren't) making!

Samantha Sinclair
Of More Paneer Dear?
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 1 Part 3 - Made it to London

So we have made it to Heathrow, and into the lounge. Turns out that when BA were awesome and changed our flight from Mumbai to Delhi we also somehow ended up in Club World! The Karma gods must be looking down on us! Hopefully this good luck continues and gets us safely to Shillong tomorrow afternoon.

Meantime it's time to enjoy the copious amounts of free food and booze!

Ian Dickson
Of More Paneer Dear?
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 1 Part 2 Still at Edinburgh Airport

So we received more information, sadly this info was that our flight will be delayed at least 16 hours!!!

Obviously this wouldn't work due to our already planned late arrival into Shillong, so eventually we managed to speak to a very incompetant Ethiad representative and after much coming and going we have been booked on a BA flight to Dheli.

Just need to sort out a connecting flight and a taxi then we should arrive in Shillong at some point tomorrow afternoon.![file](//

Ian Dickson
Of More Paneer Dear?
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 1- Part 1- Edinburgh Airport

After a relatively pain free wake up and travel to the airport, security was successfully negotiated and a hearty breakfast had by all.

All this was completed in time to hear the ominous announcement... 'We regret to inform you... More info at 09:00am'

So we are sitting tight, having a few pints and certainly clock watching as our Mumbai connection is looking right now!![file](//

Ian Dickson
Of More Paneer Dear?
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 1- Part 1- Edinburgh Airport

After a relatively pain free wake up and travel to the airport, security was successfully negotiated and a hearty breakfast had by all.

All this was completed in time to hear the ominous announcement... 'We regret to inform you... More info at 09:00am'

So we are sitting tight, having a few pints and certainly clock watching as our Mumbai connection is looking right now!

Ian Dickson
Of More Paneer Dear?
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day Zero- Edinburgh

So the time has come, we have finished work and now it's finally Rickshaw Run time!

Sam has spent a couple of days visiting friends in Edinburgh and Ian has just arrived up from Manchester.

We are having a few drinks in the hotel with Sam's parents before an early start to the airport where we are due to board our aeroplane to Mumbai via Abu Dhabi.

We have been very jealous looking at other teams Facebook posts as it would seem most of them are in Shillong having a good old knees up, keep the beer cool as we will be joining you shortly!

Ian Dickson
Of More Paneer Dear?
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day Zero- Edinburgh

So the time has come, we have finished work and now it's finally Rickshaw Run time!

Sam has spent a couple of days visiting friends in Edinburgh and Ian has just arrived up from Manchester.

We are having a few drinks in the hotel with Sam's parents before an early start to the airport where we are due to board our aeroplane to Mumbai via Abu Dhabi.

We have been very jealous looking at other teams Facebook posts as it would seem most of them are in Shillong having a good old knees up, keep the beer cool as we will be joining you shortly!![file](//


I'm an Air Traffic Controller in Aberdeen, Scotland. I love travelling. Being Scottish my ability to tan is pretty phenomenal! Less surprisingly my ability to drink is vastly better than my ability to drive a rickshaw! My stomach is also much stronger than my partner in crime, so fingers crossed it's him with the Delhi belly (again!) not me!!


Air Traffic Controller in Manchester U.K, bass player for UK indie band Red Light Effect, highly unskilled Rickshaw driver. Been to India once before, got the shits in the desert!

Two Air Traffic Controllers from th UK with a passion for an adventure and an obvious disregard for our pension!