Team Naan But The Best

James Henson
Of Naan But The Best
On the Rickshaw Run April 2017

Almost Organised!

So here it is, my first blog post..

I have just uploaded my temporary avatar, a proper one will be uploaded once my outfit has arrived, there are some clues as to the look I have aimed for with the outfit, I just hope I pull it off!

For the first time in my life I have hit a state of almost being prepared for something in advance. I am normally running around the night of my departure desperately trying to get my life together enough to leave and at the moment, the only thing I have left to sort is my visa.. I have even started to pack!

Anyway, I hope this will be the first of many updates, I suppose that does rely heavily on internet access whilst we are on the road.. well I say road!

ohh.. change of subject.. Here is our new team logo:

[gallery] ![file](// [/gallery]



Two brothers on an adventure