Team Naan-Stop

Lara Chib
Of Naan-Stop
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

Our first post!

Coming up to this trip... it feels almost like a high-school graduation; the giddiness, the fear, the excitement of a beyond. The start of something bigger and better than yourself. The start of something that is, admittedly, very dumb. To write our first blog feels like our commencement speech, full of encouragement and enlightenment.

And no graduation speech is complete without a trope quote from someone famous.

Elenaor Roosevelt once said, "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourselves, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

And we all three make this promise:

We will gain strength in making the 3000 kilometer trek from the south of India to the North.

We will gain courage from risking all the street food.

We will gain confidence from making it to our final destination.

But most importantly, we will try and face the horror that we have had the privilege to never know, by trying to raise money for two incredibly important charities that are near and dear to our hearts. We encourage everyone to give whatever little or much as they can to benefit these two amazing organisations that span tens times more than the distance we are driving.

1. Saving the rainforests by helping the indigenous people take it back

2. Feeding the hungry

All of your giving could take these people so much further than our stupidity may ever take us on this race.

From John, Mitchell, and Lara - we thank you.

Lara Chib
Of Naan-Stop
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

Day 1

Coming up to this trip... it feels almost like a high-school graduation; the giddiness, the fear, the excitement of a beyond. The start of something bigger and better than yourself. The start of something that is, admittedly, very dumb. To write our first blog feels like our commencement speech, full of encouragement and enlightenment.

And no graduation speech is complete without a trope quote from someone famous.

Elenaor Roosevelt once said, "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourselves, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

And we all three make this promise:

We will gain strength in making the 3000 kilometer trek from the south of India to the North.

We will gain courage from risking all the street food.

We will gain confidence from making it to our final destination.

But most importantly, we will try and face the horror that we have had the privilege to never know, by trying to raise money for two incredibly important charities that are near and dear to our hearts. We encourage everyone to give whatever little or much as they can to benefit these two amazing organisations that span tens times more than the distance we are driving.

1. Saving the rainforests by helping the indigenous people take it back

2. Feeding the hungry

All of your giving could take these people so much further than our stupidity may ever take us on this race.

From John, Mitchell, and Lara - we thank you.


John Chuba is the most kinda interesting man in the world. He once climbed a mountain and when asked why, he responded “I had some extra trail mix”. During a road trip he once commented that “this bridge is okay”.

A big fan of data, he often reads books about statistics. Science fiction movie trailers are considered a hobby of his and is anxious to share Star Wars trivia. An avid traveler, he can often be found taking pictures of incredible locations and keeping them to himself.

John is born and raised in Queens, New York and considers himself a foodie, found often eating sandwiches from the corner bodega cuz “that’s where the beer is”. He also prides himself on efficiency. In regards to his decision to have a career in finance, he is often quoted saying “I dunno, they keep paying me”. John is looking forward to the Rickshaw Run and can’t wait to meet other people who share his interest in Indian driving laws.


Lara Chib is a musician, actress, and artist. Those are all fancy ways of saying she can't find a proper paying job that guarantees health insurance. Born and raised in India, she was only invited on this race as a translator. The joke is on the other two though, as a native speaker of Hindi, she can't actually communicate with anyone in the South.

With a deep love for other people, Lara would like to encourage everyone to donate as much or as little as they can to further our financial goal for these charities, which are benefiting such great causes. She will judge you if you are one of those people who only donates a dollar, though. Come on. At least make it 5.

She would also like someone to make her their dependent on their healthcare plan.... seriously, she wasn't kidding about the insurance thing.


Mitchell Du-Venage, also known to many as 'that guy' due to his outstanding okayishness, loves doing stupid things (or cant help it) that generally have two outcomes: one being a great adventure and really good stories, the other, in this case, being a hospital stay for severe squirty bum.

Being South African has surely trained him for anything, the fierce climate and terrain of the southern lands (i.e the slightly hot beach sand on a warm summers day) has conditioned him for any task that may be thrown at him. This accountant (much like the movie in his opinion) will not back down.

On a more serious note, please donate to our great charities, they need the help. So if any of this has made you chuckle, feel inspired or just kept you out of work for 5 minutes Id expect at least a small amount, of which 100% will make it to their bank accounts.This is ultimately a challenge for charity!!!

We are racing Naan-Stop across India... catch us if you can!

John – Driver / Logistics / Blind as a Bat
Mitchell – Driver / Mechanic / Accident Prone
Lara – Interpreter / Coordinator / Full of Excuses

Cool Earth Action

Local people stand to lose the most from deforestation but the most to gain from its protection. As such, they are the forest’s best possible custodians. That’s why all Cool Earth partnerships are community-owned and led – an approach that research is continually proving to be the most effective way to keep rainforest standing. By developing local livelihoods, our mission is to end the cycle of deforestation entrenching villages into further poverty. Creating strong, self-determining communities – not dependency.


Action Against Hunger

About 795 million people go to bed hungry every night, and one in three children in low- and middle-income countries suffers from chronic undernutrition. Nearly half of all child deaths worldwide are from causes related to undernutrition, even though it’s: PREDICTABLE: We know where and when to expect acute undernutrition PREVENTABLE: We know how to help children stay healthy TREATABLE: Community-based outpatient programs and therapeutic ready-to-use foods can help save millions, and just $45 can provide a child with lifesaving treatment. Action Against Hunger is a non-profit organization that works for lifesaving impacts in more than 45 countries, with more that 6,500 staff members assisting more than 14.9 million people.
