Team No Brakes

Michael Church


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Thomas Parker

im the one sat in the back of the car, playing acoustic, drinking kazack vodca, and generally making a nuisance of myself!

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Joe Williams


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<p>On 24 July 2010, we will be boldly setting forth from Goodwood race track in a tiny underpowered car,&nbsp;and heading off into the unknown. Probably very slowly and in the wrong direction. But sooner or later we hope to arrive in the Mongolian capital of Ulaan Baatar, having&nbsp;contended with&nbsp;almost 10,000 miles of bandits,&nbsp;corrupt border officials, terrible roads, no roads, river crossings and the vast unspoiled wilderness of the Mongolian steppe. Apparently there are more wolves in Kazakhstan than Canada, and rumour has it that bears are afoot. </p><p>Once we set off there is absolutely no support or backup -&nbsp;when we inevitably splutter to a halt in the middle of the Gobi desert, hundreds of miles from civilisation, then it is down to us to get the spanners and gaffa tape out. </p><p>Other than quenching our insatiable thirst for adventure, the purpose of this rather&nbsp;foolhardy undertaking is to raise bucketloads of cash for some very deserving charities. We are supporting the Christina Noble Children's Foundation, who work with abandoned, homeless and impoverished children in Mongolia. The foundation provides social, medical and educational assistance to these incredibly underprivileged kids, allowing them to break out of the poverty cycle and build the foundations for a happy and&nbsp;secure future.</p><p>All the funds&nbsp;donated will go directly to supporting the Foundation's Blue Sky Ger Village in Ulaan Baatar, which we will have the opportunity to visit upon completing the Rally and see first hand how all your donations are being put to good use.</p><p>So please give generously, your support is much appreciated.</p><p>Thank you</p><p>Mike, Tom and Joe</p>