We have an ambulance!
We finally have our ambulance! It's a Renault Master 2.5cdi, right-hand-drive, diesel!
We have an ambulance!
We finally have our ambulance! It's a Renault Master 2.5cdi, right-hand-drive, diesel!
Despite having no qualitifactions, I've somehow been nominated as team chief of ambulance procurement & maintenance. This does not bode well...
<p>Our fearless quartet of Amanda Luther, Kerry McGraw, and Lexi and Dan Sack is driving an ambulance approximately 10,000 miles from London to Mongolia in order to raise money for a couple of incredible charities as part of this summer's Mongol Rally (<a href="http://www.mongolrally.theadventurists.com/">www.mongolrally.theadventurists.com</a>), and we need your support!</p><p>Once we arrive in Ulaanbaatar, we will be donating our ambulance to the people of Mongolia. Emergency vehicles are critical components of health care delivery systems, but they’re expensive, so poor countries like Mongolia (where 1/3 of the population lives in poverty) don’t have enough. In order to deliver the vehicle, we need your help -- used ambulances cost more than $6000! Additionally, we’re raising money for Christina Noble Children’s Foundation in Mongolia (<a href="http://www.cncf.org/en/home/index.php">http://www.cncf.org/en/home/index.php</a>), and Kiva (<a href="http://www.kiva.org/">http://www.kiva.org/</a>). We’ll split the money raised (after the cost of the ambulance) between these two charities:</p><ul><li><strong>Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF)</strong> is doing incredible work in Mongolia. The money we and other Mongol Rally participants raise will go towards supporting the Blue Skies Ger Village, which cares for abandoned kids in Ulaanbaatar. About 1/3 of Mongolians are under the age of 18, they’re the future of the country, and so your donations will help give a few more of those kids a fair shot at life! <strong>(Please support our team by donating to CNCF here: </strong><a href="http://www.justgiving.com/NoTurningYak"><strong>www.justgiving.com/NoTurningYak</strong></a><strong>)</strong></li><li><strong>Kiva</strong> provides funding to microfinance institutions around the globe. These microfinance institutions provide tiny loans to individuals to start and grow their businesses. For individuals living in poverty with no access to banks, these microloans can be their ticket out of poverty. We think that’s pretty sweet! Plus, Dan worked for Kiva for awhile, and can attest to it being a well-run nonprofit (which we think is pretty critical)! Half of the money raised for Kiva will be used to finance microloans, while half will be donated to Kiva itself.</li></ul><p>We would greatly appreciate any support you can provide to these causes! And please help us spread the word! </p><p><span style="color: #1f497d">Please follow our progress at <a href="http://www.facebook.com/noturningyak">http://www.facebook.com/noturningyak</a> as we navigate across two continents and learn more about people and places that most Westerners don't experience.</span></p><p>THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!<br />The No Turning Yak team<br />(Amanda, Dan, Lexi, and Kerry)</p>