Team NoMoreExcuses

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The Adventurist website - Mongal rally included - and film festival as tormented my office existence for about 18 months now. Like alot of London folk, to get a fix of adventure and 'a challenge' I took up Ironman triathlons and ultra marathons, yet always with the aim in the back of my head to finally get that driving license and throwing my hat into a tiny mini cooper to cross the best part of Asia. Then along came a cycle race.

Currently I am growing my own experiences in ultra endurance events, with the aim of taking on bigger and bigger races in the name of sports science. This was very much inspired, among other things, by stories of researchers competing in the thick of things for the sake of science (and of course their own sick enjoyment); whether that would be Race Across America or swim the English Channel. In the mindst of this 'strategy' I have planned to move to Singapore for 12 months (I will be travelling overland across Asia straight after the race; may need to buy some clothes) and have deferred a masters course in cycling performance, so if you see me measuring my VO2 max or something silly like that, it will be in the name of science!

My aim for the race is really just to test myself and in that way I would like to remain competitive but I think my route with take on some of the other high Alp passes which have featured in the Tour de France (eg. Alp d' Huez).

For the race I will be raising money for the RFU injured players foundation and the WWF. A few years ago a student in my old school broke his neck in a rugby scum and has subsequently died; I felt I wanted to do something for sports injuries such as this and after my own bad cycling accident 18 months ago I figured that fundraising effort had to raise a few eyebrows and funds! My second charity effort, the WWF, was reinforced by the recent BBC documentary Africa and the killing of the last Rhino in Mozambique - I thought when we are all gone, there should be something left!