Team Not Fast Not Furious

Jonathan Chan
Of Not Fast Not Furious
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016


Our crappy little rickshaw has been fartier than usual (we can't hear ourselves think and we're waking up all the towns we pass through. Once Upon a Tuk Tuk figured out the issue (1 x loose bolt, 1 x missing bolt). We've taken to tightening the bolt we have on a regular basis. ![file](//

Arthur Tam
Of Not Fast Not Furious
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

There's one more day before we head off to India! We're so excited that we had to find the nearest Rickshaw and give it a go!

[gallery] Drag and drop images you wish to upload within these gallery tags.![file](// [/gallery]

Safe travels everyone, see you on the other side!



Arthur Tam and Jon Chan here! We've started our very own Rickshaw Run team and will be adventuring through India alongside around a hundred more teams in January 2016. We'll be posting (semi) regular updates on our progress here.

Check out our Gofundme page if you're so inclined to donate to our causes. Please note that 100% of the proceeds will go to charity.

If you would like to donate to the Canadian Diabetes Assocation and receive a tax receipt, please use the following link.