Team Not Our First Rodeo

Running well

After several near misses with buses we've cleared about 600kms wit the tuktuk mostly running well. Sitting now in the shadows of a 50 metre tall statue of a Hindu god sipping 2 dollar rum and cokes. Expect to make Goa tomorrow a few days early for the next party. What are we are Goan to do for those few days???

Pete Hickling

Load Pete

Rhett Harris

Load Rhett

Not Our First Rodeo is a team made up of two Australian travelling mates, Pete and Rhett. Who have had successful trips in the past and some unsuccessful trips... e.g. One Indian and one ASEAN Adventurist rickshaw trip (successful) and another not so successful trip, shipping a Kombi van to Russia from Australia in an attempt to travel half way round the world. Which failed dismally when the engine packed it in half way across the Siberian Steepe!

After quite a few Russian vodkas and some time to pass, we are ready to drive another inadequately purposed vehicle an unsuitable distance. Stay with us as we travel through the highs and lows of India but overall enjoying a good laugh whatever the circumstance.

Apologies in advance for Pete’s bad humour...