Team One For Every Mile

Jason Cash
Of One For Every Mile
On the Mototaxi Junket 2013

Tocache, San Martin, Peru

another blitzed day, 338km down and after an extra hours kip. Taxi running well although very hot through the jungle, for those to follow in our direction your in for a real treat as the views are incredible. The large floods outside Tingo Maria were a bit of a shock but good to see communities coming together for support.

Jason Cash
Of One For Every Mile
On the Mototaxi Junket 2013

Huanuco, Huanuco, Peru

nearly got run over by a bus, one flat tyre, 348km in a day, loose front brake, stopped by the police 4 times and managed a significant amount of illegal driving on the motorway! Two beers tonight as a treat heading to the jungle tomorrow congratulations to all of those who made it this far without resorting to a truck

Jason Cash
Of One For Every Mile
On the Mototaxi Junket 2013

Huanta, Ayachucha, Peru

long day of two halves. Very early start and up to 4265m on some amazing roads. Wildlife today included vicunas, eagles and even a cage full of lions over 4000m. Great going for the morning and a good opportunity to see the mechanic, unfortunately he didn't do the best of jobs and only made it 7km before the new part exploded only to be repaired by some inner tube and positive thinking, nursing it back for repair. New parts and retracing our steps we are now back amongst the other teams so haven't lost too much ground

Jason Cash
Of One For Every Mile
On the Mototaxi Junket 2013

Kishuara, Apurimac, Peru

13hr day and the taxi is pretty tired, lots of pushing and plenty of roadside mechanics. Long unfinished roads and a 2hr wait for the road to be built have taken their toll, looks like its going to be another cold night though after the two 4000mtr passes, can't wait to get some distance under our belts but tomorrow isn't looking likely, under 300km done and over 3000 more to do


The idoit that agreed to Join Jimmy!!

Jason Cash

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