Team One Two Free

Graeme Giles
Of One Two Free
On the The Rickshaw Run 2015 (August)

Team One Two Free Getting Organised

Hi Guys

Well if this isn't the maddest thing I've done it must be well up there.

The Rickshaw Run This week, on the 30th of July 2015, I burn air-points, and head to India. I’m about to attack the Rickshaw Run, a 3500 km race from one end of India to the other in a 7Hp supermarket trolley commonly known as a Tuk Tuk. Check it out

If you are still reading and wanna know more (hell even I dont), we start in the god forsaken Punjab Mafia stronghold of India call Shillon on the Boarder of Bhutan, Burma and Bangladesh.. From here if we out-run the vigilante gangs (at 30 km/hr yeah right) we head west to the foot hills of Nepal, turn left then head south for 3000 km till we hit the Indian Ocean at a place called Cachin. Just discovered that tonight when I looked at the map for the first time and besides theres no fixed route

The Rules are Simple. There are Three:

1 There are no rules

2 Complete in 15 days or lose the already paid NZ $3000 deposit on this arse pounding vibrator 3 There is NO backup

The Team

But I’ve gotta admit.. I have an amazing race team. It actually takes three to Tuk. My Rick Shit and Bust crew mates are wonderfully intelligent, adventurous idiots. This was totally confirmed 10 days ago when they accepted me as a team mate. We have an average age of 35 years and considering I account for 58 of those I'm on the win. If the vote goes on total years I’ve got a total monopoly. What’s more our average gender is female so I figure I just have to sit back and sip the gins while the crew hold the reins and sort out where the shit we are. Springbok Julia, and Kiwi Tamsyn, are a "couple" of spontaneous kindergarten teachers currently living in China. I was thinking they must be mad. Hell the moment they accepted my offer over SKYPE all doubt was removed. Guys I love your courage and spunk.

The Adventurists

Likewise the UK crew that organise this International Conference of Degenerates “The Adventurists" are also totally deranged .. They openly state that their only objectives are getting our entry fees and the receiving of the remnants of our cheese cutter back across the line before Pakistani Forces put a drone up to take us out.

Cool Earth Seriously though they do have a big heart .. We are required to find $3000 for their registered charity "Cool Earth". This well-known organisation is committed to planting trees worldwide.. Already The Adventurists have raised over $2.5 mill toward this. So if you feel a desire to support this cause, and even if you don't, (no choice really) a small donation, $25 or $50 (the price of a pair of crap shoes from the Warehouse) is all we need.



What I guarantee is that your donation will plant 500 Indian Environmental Elms (God that sounds good) and I'm not finished yet ....It will keep you up to date daily on exactly; where we are lost, who’s mugged us, how many tuks we’ve taken out and how many Indian jay walkers we've scored. Its a great site with real time tracking off our cell phones. Check it out on the site below We're Team **One two Free "**

Track Us On

So guys . the choice is yours.. as I throw my undies and tea shirt in the pack and park the mortgage for 3 weeks (thanks Mark and Derek from the BNZ for your support), you can be apathetic, sit back, let the cobwebs grow on you gonads or you can grab the opportunity and plant a another 500 trees to prevent global warming,

I leave you with the words of this great poet;

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

He says it all

Cheers And thanks for your support

Graeme G. Viber 64 21 910 484 \ Line 64 21 910 484


Boud to be unbound.. Been the rounds and seen the sights high and low but adventures and challenges , here we go .. Got grapes and vineyards in Marlborough New Zealand

