Team Oompaloopa


Still made entirely out of flesh and blood, Michael has survived numerous adventures involving mashed, cracked, smashed, and twisted body parts (no injury to the vital parts, eh!) and continues to throw himself at the next adventure.

Michael's current obsession with chasing big deep steep powder lines hasn't kept him from chasing other mediums. Walking from Lisbon to Santiago, racing in the Yukon 1000, or bagging the odd 10,000+ peak.

A fan of snow and cold weather, Michael's challenge will be the extreme heat. Having survived 3 years in China, Michael is confidant that the crowds, stares, and exotic foods pose no threat to this half of the team!


Unlike my team member who is made up of flesh and blood, I am mostly made of water and spend my days under the ocean. I have survived catching lion fish, swimming with sharks and eels. My challenge will be whether or not my gills will dry up before I make it back to the ocean.