Team Orientaligslos

André Wyrsch
Of Orientaligslos
On the Rickshaw Run August 2018


Day 9

We wanted to wake up early to hit the road at six. But there were some difficulties with Bernie again. We tried to push-start the engine but nothing happend. So we phoned Sanjay (the indian dude from the last night) and oh wonder, he helped us fix Bernie in no time. After a very rainy day through the mountains of Chiplun with loads of monkeys chilling on the roadside, we arrived in Kolhapur.

André Wyrsch
Of Orientaligslos
On the Rickshaw Run August 2018


Day 8

We started our trip pretty early in the morning from Pune and headed to the village of Chiplun. Along the way we had our first breakdown in the race. After 2 hours we were off to Chiplun again to stay in the red roof guesthouse. We asked for the right directions to the place and met a friendly indian dude called Sanjay, who showed us the way to the Guesthouse in no time. 


