Team PA2

PA2 haven't posted any updates yet.

Mark Turner

Awkwardly long and lean. Married to a small Peruvian belly-dancer. Mototaxi Junket 2009 veteran. Currently working as a volunteer for the NGO Practical Action

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Hi Michaela here from Practical Action. We really appreciate all the hard work that the teams are putting in to support us on the Mototaxi Junket. Thank you and have fun!

If you have any questions about Practical Action or would like a fundraising pack or t-shirts, just send me an email: [email protected]

We have set up a webpage with lots of info too -

If you tweet - please follow me @PA_Michaela
and I'll follow you back. It's great to see how you are getting on and also to RT to others.

Cheers :-)