Day 13 we made it!
After almost 3000km and 2 weeks of honking. Filling petrol. Avoiding buses. Stalling Matilda. Eating delicious Indian food and drinking kingfisher beers. It's over. Matilda held up. We survived! (My apologies. For the life of me I can't figure why some of these fotos end up wrong way. There's only so much you can do on a phone.)

Its a trip we will always remember. The warmth of the Indian people has really surprised us and made us think about how we interact with each other back home. Always a smile and willing to help. We want to come back and see much much more of this beautiful fascinating country!:)
Todays leg wenth through desert landscapes to the fortress city of Jailsamer just. First day of overcast weather. So cold!

At the finish line it was time to part with our dear Matilda. Matilda! Thanks for the ride girl. You will always have a special place in our hearts.

After the finish line we headed out to the dessert for some Camel riding and a night by the camofire with the other runners.Patrick was chuffed. He drove across all of India for this moment.

So here we are. Finally arrived today (day 14) back in Jaisalmer to repare for the survivors party. And to get our Robes on and some spa full body scrub at the Marriot. Look what waited for us in the hotel. An elefant:)

Its also been great writing about out adventure. Hope whoever read this enjoyed it too!
And last but not least. A special thanks to those who have helped trees from falling by donating to our Cool EARTH campaign to save the rainforest. If you havent donated yet and still want to, the link is here:
[Link to donate to our Cool Earth campaign](
That's it. We have some video content to edit and send out. But we'll get back to that another time.
Patrick Lars and Matilda. Out.
Day 12 Rajastan delivers
It was supposed to be the slog of all slogs. A transport leg. 450 punishing kilometers to Barmer. A nothing. And it really was. But look what we ran into once we got to Rajastan: A whopping Elefant!!

See, when you're chasing elefants, we've learned that the only one that's worth chasing is your own. Everyone's elefant is different. Heck, we thought our elefant looked like a camel at some point. And by looking for a camel we finally found the Elefant we were looking for in the first place. Go figure!
Arrived at 7pm, exhausted relieved and glad the hotel had room. At the end of a days drive, when the sun starts to set, the fear sets in. 1) because it gets dark and all the cars have full headlights on which glare in your dirty windscreen so you can't see sh*t. 2) because it gets cold. cold makes me nervous 3) because if matilda breaks down you're screwed and have to hitch haik to nearest town (already tried that) and 4) last because looking for hotel is hard and not always easy to book. So you're nervous they won't have a room or a warm shower to heat you up.
Luckily the hotel we found in the dark today had one room left and semi hot shower. :)

In bed after heating up and writing this.:)

We are now firmly in the desert. The views and landscapes are stunning. Going to capture some of that tomorrow on the drive.
Tomorrow all that's left is 160 km to Jailsalmer. Should be 4 hours. Be there at noon. Cross fingers for Matilda behaving. We are a bit relieved right now. Just a bit:)
Day 11 she's back
Day 11.
I've been asked by a few to repost the Cool Earth campaign details. Check them here below. Press the link and scroll down to donate. Thank you!
[Link to donate to our Cool Earth campaign](
Matilda is back. What a day.
Let me recap. Last night we broke down in the hills in the dark. 10k from the nearest town. A friendly soul have us a ligt and brought us to a hotel.
The hotel, The Rajpipla Palace hotel, is a victorian palace built for the local Maharaja in 1910.

The hotel director made it his mission to help us. So this morning he called a local mechanic and we all went out for Matilda. Smiles all around when we saw she was still there. The quick assessment was that we had blown Matildas gasket. Oops. Maybe we rode her too hard yesterday?
She needed towing.

While the mechanics worked on Matilda, Patrick and I relaxed in the Palace garden . Drinking Chai tea and checking out the film shoot that was going on.

At 3pm Matilda finally drove up the alley to the Palace. The mechanics had replaced the gasket and given her a wash.
The delay was sourcing a replacement gasket. They gave us the old one and a spare. Just in case.
Exhibit a. Blown gasket and a new gasket.

Team effort demands a team foto. Thanks to all the poeple at the lovely Rajpipla Palace Hotel and especially the director Shitra for all the help. Most kind!

We left the Palace at three at got a good four hours in. Only 600 km to go now. Goal is to make it to Barmer tomorrow. 450km in one day. That's a lot. Can it be done? Stay tuned!
Day 10 a mountain too far
The idea was to leave Nasik early. Head up the valley to the wildlife parks. Then gun through mountains and up to Vadorada. This would put us track with the other teams and make that camel safari on saturday possible. Well that, was the idea.
It was freezing and pitch dark as we left the streets of Nashik. Huddled bodies warming to open fires. I cant imagine having to sleep outside here. Never felt so fortunate for my helly hansens. Patrick's from LA and underdressed. I enforce a 10 min technical to put on clothes and fuel up.

With the sun, the smog and gloom gave way to the green valley up owards the mountains. Its one of Indias premier wine regions. Apparently similar in soil and climate to Bordeaux. We see farms with onions tomatoes, peppers. Its green. The air is clean. People are smiling again. The roads are smooth and empty.

We stopped by a local farmers market.

Then there it was. Like a slap in the face when you don't expect it. On an uphill Matilda coughs. Then she coughs again. Uncontrollable. We exchange nervous looks. Damnit. Should have taken her to service before.
Luckily we get to a town 10 k further on. We get fuel. Ask for a mechanic. Preferably one who speaks a little English. Nope, only Hindi. The mechanic is just around the corner. (In India there is always a mechanic around the corner it seems). We pull Matilda up outside the workshop. Patrick makes a sound of a spluttering and coughing car while pretending to hold a steering wheel on an incline. I add the word carburettor. Karburettah! The mechanic shoots us a patronising smirk. Chill out boys. I'll fix your car. Just let me finish my morning Chai tea.

The mechanic is cleaning our carberetta.

They motion us to wait at the roadside cafe. Standard breakfast - omelet Masala and some Chai tea. Then half hour later shes fixed!
Matilda is just singing. Like a purring lionesse. We knew it. Had to be the Carburettor (or we at least pretend we knew). The mechanics didn't even want money for it. We pressed them for a price and gave double. 200 rupies. 2 pounds. Never been to a country where people are so friendly to strangers. Everyone seems interested in you and wants to help. We smile and set off for the wildlife sanctuary. And the Elephants.
Wildlife sanctuary turns out to be hilly green woods with smooth silk roads. Such joy. But alas no Elephants to be seen. According to a sign there's a Woodpecker somewhere around. Were on the lookout!

We purr on through the mountains. Matilda is tight and hungry for more. We let rip. Was there something in the exhaust? A bit louder sound? Hm let's get through today and look at it tomorrow.
We were nearly out of the woods. (Yes that's a pun), when Matilda mega misbehaves on a steep hill. She stalls and wont restart. Add to that the massive trucks coming down the hill on both sides. The contours of a disaster. 10 k to next town. It's getting dark. Definitely no mechanic around the corner here.

After several attempts to restart. We give up. It's dark. We have to leave Matilda on the roadside overnight. We have no choice. Surpressing our anxiety for her we turn to our own safety. Our headlights are life savers. The front lights and horns of trucks and lorries wiss all round us. Cobras in the bushes, packs of owling dogs nearby under a full moon. Need a lift. Soon.

After several attempts we get one cars attention. Can we get a ride? To nearest town? Somehow he understands. This friendly life saving guy. Picks us up and drives us to a hotel. Not only a hotel. It's a 120 yearold palace for the Majarasha.
Is there room. Yes. We can't believe our luck. Showr and food. Safe. A mechanic with help out in the morning. We hope matilda is alright out there all alone. Were gonna get to Jaisalmer. Somehow.
At the hotel there was a film shoot going on as well.

Day 9. On the road again
Day 9
I read through my blog this morning. Realized I can't spell for two pence and half the pictures are upside down. Well the spelling has been corrected. But the pictures won't change. It's art!
We headed back to Mumbai CST and caught the longest train I have ever seen. With 10 minutes to spare when walking along the train I still thought about running because we could not see our carriage number.

Found the carriage and met up with Patrick again in Lodevalla. He was rested and was up for getting some miles in. Matilda started on first pull and off we went.
Decision made. Not going to caves in Ellora. Matilda is not allowed. Not an inch east or south, or any combination of the two. Only productive kilometers at this stage. North West.
The plan is north via Nasik first then wildlife sanctuary in Pruna tomorrow. Wildlife sanctuary. Music to our ears. Elephants reside in those. I cant even bring myself to check whether this one even has elephants at all. Maybe it only has some scurvy birds and monkeys? We're going to give it a go any way.
Eventhough we didn't start before 12 we cranked out a whopping 250 km. First part had tree-lined hilly roads with a Utah Bryce Canyon like backdrop. India has some amazing nature!

Unfortunately had to spend last two hours on a busy highway. Nasik finally revealed herself from beneath a cloud of pollution just before sun down.
The pollution here in the cities is quite devastating actually. It's making us nervous for our health. More so than the traffic itself. Theres dirt and exhaust and burnt litter everywhere. In an open Rickshaw you feel it and smell it all the time. Surely we (the people on this planet) can do this better? It's a topic of conversation between the runners. Food for thought.
In the meantime this guy had found time to wash himself and his car in one go.

Tomorrow up at 6. I'll be dreaming of elephants.
Day 8 Mumbai & rest day
Day 8.
We woke up fed up. Patrick is a bit ill. I was just fed up. We decided to rest Matilda for a day. Jaisalmer and Elephants can wait.
Jumped on a two hour train to Mumbai with the Aussie chaps in Papadum Preach and Patrick stayed in the hotel to rest.

We quickly settled into our berths.

Arrived at Mumbai CST. Had a Frankie - A fried spicy vegetable wrap - which tåsted great. Did the sights. Gateway to India. The Taj Mahal hotel (no, its not the buikding in the picture below before anyone pipes up). Great to be in a city again. Too bad we can't spend more time here!

Enough of the sights. We checked into the Four Seasons for some soul repairing luxury. Donned the bathrobe and got a gin tonic. Quite right!

Mumbai is crazy, busy, dirty and fascinating. We went for a bite to eat at a Indian hipster joint near the hotel before we met up with a few other runners down town at the infamous (shantaram) Leopolds. Some brave teams actually drove the tuk tuk all the way into the mumbai madness. Very brave. Very brave.
Day 7 Lonevala
Day 7
300km plus day. The last part of it on Mumbai Poon 10 Lane highway and up a mountain. It puts the fear in you. We're exhausted as we arrive in Lonevala.
In the morning the Ponchos finally coming in handy. The further north the colder the mornings. Matilda cabriolet also makes it a bit colder. But it's totally worth it for the cool factor!
Today we finally left the coast and headed towards the Western Ghats and through the hills.

Our last ferry of the trip. Patrick discussing life with the others on the ferry queue.

Roadside breakfast Chai tea.

It's Sunday, and apparently on Sundays Indians play a lot of cricket. We drove past small kids and adults play in fields and parking lots. In the end we stopped at a game and hung out a bit.

Apparently my elbow is too straight.

As we get closer to Mumbai the traffic gets busier. Before we knew it we were on a 10 field motorway with Matilda. She handled herself ganaltly like the old lady she is. But we were pretty happy to park up at the hotel at the end of the day.
Ordered a pizza from room service (yeh gotta say I'm quite tired of spicy gravy and rice at this point.) Just want some steamed vegetables! A few other teams stayed in our hotel as well. But everyone just crashed.
I also caught up and posted day 3 to 5 on the blog. After this one I'll be up to speed. Now a daily blog is the goal. Halfway so 7 more blogs.
The rest of the route is under debate. Go east towards the temples and caves around Aurangabad? Or west towards the saltflats around Surat? Going east now would would take us further away from our end goal Jailsalmer.
The end seems really is bloody far away. Roughly 1200 km to go. Too tired to think. Matilda out.
Day 6 last day on the coast
Last day along the beaches. And after two days of 100 kms we need to pick up some speed.
We have a small convoy going with a few other teams. That just means that we aim for the same hotels and share a few beers and laughs I the evenings. In the morning we start out together, but it only takes one wrong turn and youve lost your convoy. In the Rickshaw run youre on own.
Yesterday morning we had stayed in the same hotel as a few teams and in the mornng we did a race with the Ricks: Ricky, Donna, Busy bee and our own Matilda. Somehow the rickshaws now all have names:)
We took aim at a beach and hour north or were we were. Mixed up the teams so everyone was driving a different rickshaw. Matilda would have won, easily. If the navigation had not been off point by the people who drove it:) At the meeting point we did find an Elephant!

After the race breakfast at a roadside cafe for some Masala Omelet and Chai tea.

Matilda is proving to be one beast of a rickshaw actually. After our first issues with the engine. She has been cruising. The swap overs in the group only confirmed what we knew. Matilda is a beast.
We rewarded her by taking her top off. Sweet.

Highway 4 going north from Goa towards Mumbai is stunning. Few cars. Red arrid and yellow fields up high and tropical and lush as the road descends for river crossings. Best drive so far.

We do 300km. Lost the others due to my navigations skills. But found another Rickshaw team on the way. They were heading to see a Ganeesh temple on the way. We joined them. Saw the Ganeesh. Found a hotel at dusk and shared a few beers with our new found friends. Almost half way now.
Day 5 getting going again
Day 5
Hungover. Screw the deposit. Put the rickshaw on a train. Let's book this room for another week. Ca. every team's conversation this morning. A few teams actually did this! I'm in two minds. Love the beach, but I really want to drive Matilda all the way to Jaisalmer. We're almost half way. And one thing is for sure. There are no Elephants in Palolem.
So we left paradise at noon and went ca. 100km up the coast to a beach in North Goa. Saw a drum circle and eat some delicious curry fish rice.
Not much more to say about this day. Except tomorrow is a new day.
Oh and that someone, Kiwi I've been told, tried to hide Matilda away during the party. We found her safe with only a disconnected battery lead. It takes more than that to rattle old tilly. She'll be alright.

Day 4. Goa
Day 4 Goa and Party
The first milestone of the trip. An easy century of kilometers up from Om beach. Matilda smashed it effortlessly out of the ground for 6.
Change of scenery is good as well. As soon as we crossed the border into Goa the roads are better. It's greener. There are more hills. And lots of white guys riding around on Royal Enfields channeling their inner Shantarams.
Talking of Royal Enfields. What a beautiful machine it is. Cant help but fantasize a bit about riding one of those.. wait, uh Matilda - we would never cheat on you! We love you. Although sometimes I wish you had a 5th gear and a handbrake.

We arrived at Palolem beach in South Goa at noon. All the long miles paid out spectacularly. Palolem beach is a beautiful, beautiful place. Add the bungalow Patrick organised between the palmtrees so so chill. Pretty much everyone from the rickshaw race was close to chucking the go cart in the Indian ocean and spending the rest of the vacay here.

We also finally got to catch up with the rest of the teams. Stories. Tummy troubles. Popped pistons. and Elephants. Damnit, those who went in land saw elephants! Just breathe through the pain. Breathe through it. Patrick, panic stricken, had an extra look and realized the best wildlife sanctuaries are either behind us or too far east. Maybe we won't see one further north after all?? We really don't know. Apparently it's possible to go on a camel safari in Rajastan. We forget about the Elephant for now and focus on the Camel.
Played cricket til sundown. Drank a lot of beers. Danced a bit. May have had a late night swim. Next day = write off.

The cows like Palolem as well.