Team Perilous Piranha

Neil Thomas
Of Perilous Piranha
On the Mototaxi Junket 2013

-5.006638, -81.0668129

We made it! Got in last night before the party! All 5 teams in our convoy arrived with no last minute drama. Arrival party in a hotel on the beach. Fireworks, dancers and the odd beer. Almost all teams made it home this year. Only one person I know of had serious medical problems, so all very successful. Thanks for all your support, and thanks for following the my team!

Neil Thomas
Of Perilous Piranha
On the Mototaxi Junket 2013

-5.193603, -80.626551

Repaired swing arm holding well. Climbed up to 1400m, got a bit chilly, then wound our way down to the desert. Massive chsnges in scenery again. Over red mountains into arid scrubland, then into the desert of dry rivers and goats. Msde it to Piura. Not home and dry, but we can see the house and know where the towels are kept.


This is my first trip to South America! But I've been south of the equator before so I'm the experienced one. Never even sat on a motorbike before but I'm sure that's just a technicality... How hard can it be? Anyway - here's a picture of me on a surfboard.


This is my first trip to South America! Or anywhere South of the Equator for that matter. Looking forward to it!
In fine form for the MotoTaxi Junkett, as I once rode a motorcycle when I was 16. It ended rather messily as I remember, but I shall gloss over that bit.
Anyway - here's a picture of me on a hill.

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