Picnic´s Club - Team 3 haven't posted any updates yet.
We are Picnic´s Club, a group of gentlemen from Trebí?, a small town from the Czech Republic. Our mission is to bring adventure into people´s every day’s lives and we also want to encourage them to discover their hunger for adventures on their own. As the role models, we want to show that there is no lack of desire for adventure among the Picnic´s Club members and thus, we decided to participate in the Mongol Rally this year. With three of our „picnicing racing cars“ we will drive from London to Mongolia, expecting unexpected, living the dreams of our lives. This includes support of Cool Earth, charity organisation which is doing great amount of work in preserving our rain forests for future generations, which we are happy to help with.

Nevypusť Duši, z. s. („Do not let go of your soul“)
Nevypusť duši is a small non-profit organisation the aim of which is to spread awareness and educate the Czech public about mental health and illness. We focus on presenting the facts and debunking the myths concerning mental illness. Nevypusť Duši has finished a pilot programme of our high school workshops which took place in November and December 2016. The workshops are led by experienced and qualified volunteers and are mainly focused on discussing what exactly the mental health is, why it is important to care about ones mental health and how this can be done, where to turn for help if necessary and how to help a friend suffering from a mental illness. We also offer a realistic view of a young person with a psychiatric diagnosis – one of the volunteers is always a psychiatric patient. An interactive seminar about “healthy” study habits which aims to present different tactics on dealing with school stress is also a part of the workshop. The plan is to create a network of secondary schools where the education workshops will be held. Currently, Nevypusť Duši is starting official project and training new lectors for workshops which will start in September 2017.